Hi Justin,

Thank for the suggestion, I will start fixing the problem later today.


> 在 2020年1月17日,上午10:29,Justin Mclean <jus...@classsoftware.com> 写道:
> Hi,
>> The website has been move to the 
>> repo(https://github.com/apache/incubator-tubemq-website)
> Thanks for that, the web site looks good.
> I still think more work is needed on the branding and trademark side. Some 
> suggestions:
> - The Apache logo and the project logo and the incubator logo should be 
> bigger.
> - The first mention of TubMQ should be "Apache TubMQ”. Please need to know 
> this is an Apache project.
> - The incubator disclaimer text is too small to read
> - You need to scroll to found out it’s an incubating project
> One improvement branding / incubating wise would be to change "TubeMQ, a 
> trillion-records-scale distributed messaging queue (MQ) “ to something like 
> “Apache TubeMQ (incubating), is a trillion-record-scale….”
> Does anyone see any other things that cruel be improved branding wise?
> This is also a large button that goes to githiub, this is directing users to 
> use unreleased code, please consider another way of doing this. A better way 
> is to create a page for developers and put GitHub and mailing list details 
> there, users should only be directed to download voted on approved releases 
> only.
> Other feedback:
> - The text in general is too small and not easy to read
> - The image behind the text make it hard to read in places (including the 
> menu)
> - It’s 2020 not 2019
> - The main image is large and causes performance issues
> - Images could be optimised to reduce size / speed up display
> - Assets could be cached to improved performance
> For performance see [1] it’s currently 67/100.
> Thanks,
> Justin
> 1. 
> https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/?url=https%3A%2F%2Ftubemq.apache.org%2Fen-us%2F

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