+1 on Mike's proposal. Additionally, I prefer to leave assembly-xml and policy-xml as is. My bottom line to keep the clean modularity without over-engineering. Meanwhile, I really don't think merging functionally decoupled modules into a fat one is going to reduce spaghetti as it just hides the spaghetti. I would rather get all the dependencies uncovered and refactor the code to reduce them to a bare minimum. From OSGi's view, creating a big bundle that contains everything won't get any benefits such as modularity, isolations, versioning, or dynamicity promised by OSGi.

From: "Mike Edwards" <mike.edwards.inglen...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 7:43 AM
To: <dev@tuscany.apache.org>
Subject: Re: Merging model and model-xml modules into one

ant elder wrote:

    Stepping back, what' s the problem we are trying to solve here ? I
    kind like the "Don' t fix what ain't broke"  phrase [1]...

I think it is "broke" :) We could make the runtime simpler if we had more consistent use of fewer more functional modules and had a common understand of when things can be in packages in the one module and when things need to be in a separate module. We've consistently had users saying tuscany looks really complicate as there are so many jars and no clear way to work out what they're for and what they do, we end up with a spaghetti mess of imports exports and dependencies that few understand, even just the build and IDE development gets slower and more unwieldy as the number of modules increases. ...ant


Here is my view on this debate.

I think that Ant makes a fair point that more modules is in itself a problem. There is an overhead to each module and I agree that we should have as few of them as possible. Having a big mound of them doesn't help us or our users.

On the other hand, I can see the point that Luciano is making about useful flexibility in some cases.

I take the view that it should be examined on a case by case basis, but with a bias to reducing the number of modules if there is no clear benefit to having additional ones. I would be particularly suspicious of a module consisting of only a few small classes.

For a couple of implementation cases that I understand well, here is my analysis:


We have implementation-bpel and implementation-bpel-ode.

This is a classic split of Tuscany code vs 3rd party runtime code.
It should stay.

I note that all processing of XML is in implementation-bpel AND that this includes dealing with 3 types of XML - SCA, BPEL and WSDL - AND that it includes the handling of multiple versions of these. I don't see the need to split out this code.

2) Spring

We have implementation-spring, implementation-spring-xml and implementation-spring-runtime

We always had implementation-spring and implementation-spring-xml and we created implementation-spring-runtime in going to 2.0.

The implementation-spring-xml is here all about processing the XML of the Spring application context, rather than the SCA XML. I suppose it could be combined with implementation-spring - since that is what we have done in the case of BPEL. So here is a candidate for removal...

The implementation-spring-runtime contains code that gets very intimate with the Spring classes (eg. some of our classes extend Spring classes). This is like the implementation-bpel-ode module and I think it is essential in the 2.0 codebase to support OSGi cleanly. We are having to restructure some of the classes to fit nicely and avoid awkward two-way cross-package dependencies.

OK, that is my pennyworth.  Comments welcome.

Yours,  Mike.

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