On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 8:24 AM, ant elder <antel...@apache.org> wrote:

> processing. I wonder if there is still some refactoring that could be
> done here - it sounds like the "contribution" module includes the
> model code for the sca-contribution.xml and
> sca-contribution-generated.xml files as well as the code for the
> contribution service and its SPIs and extension points - perhaps the
> model code should be separated from the contribution service so there
> is module for the contribution service and another module for the
> sca-contribution model, and then the existing contribution-xml module
> gets merged into the new model module. (Which fits in nicely with a
> conversation from 2 years ago!
> http://apache.markmail.org/message/nncxz73tbozov44y)
>   ...ant

No replies to that so i'll assume its reasonable and add it to the
list of tidying up I'm doing.


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