Mmm, it looks like its a problem with the json data binding not being
able to convert an int response value into a json string.


On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 5:52 PM, Florian MOGA <> wrote:
> Thanks Ant. Line 45 is self-explanatory. That's what I was referring to as
> in the previous version of the binding only the instance variables were
> initialized with the objects coming from the framework. This wouldn't have
> brought any differences from the target contract. Didn't expect for changes
> in the service binding provider so I didn't check it out for updates earlier
> but it is actually logical to have this kind of operation there.
> I've committed the jsonp webapp sample which you can find here [0]. It
> simulates an app where you enter your pesonal data and share it online. I've
> used the cases where you submit from html, from javascript, used $.getJSON
> from jQuery and multiple services with different parameter types. If you
> check it out, you can see that it successfully works with services having
> String and Object parameters. For other primitive parameters, it gets a JSON
> Exception saying:
> org.json.JSONException: A JSONObject text must begin with '{' at character 1
> of 54
>       org.json.JSONTokener.syntaxError(
>       org.json.JSONObject.<init>(
>       org.json.JSONObject.<init>(
> It seems there are some more special cases for conversion than initially
> planned... I tried adding quotes or parentheses for the integer argument but
> it didn't solve the problem...
> Florian
> [0]
> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 4:00 PM, ant elder <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 31, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Florian MOGA <> wrote:
>> > Hi Simon,
>> > Thanks for pointing where can I find more info. I've taken a look at
>> > the DatabindingRuntimeWireProcessor and the only thing I'm trying to
>> > clarify
>> > is how tuscany finds out that a String array is actually hiding behind
>> > the
>> > Object[] argument when invoking the wire and decides to use JSON (even
>> > in
>> > the case when other databindings are included). Considering that
>> > databinding
>> > occurs between the service invocation from the binding and the actual
>> > service, I believe source contract type, operation, data types are taken
>> > from:
>> >
>> > wire.invoke(operation, args);
>> >
>> > I don't see how operation can be different and I'm not aware of a
>> > mechanism
>> > for determining what types exactly hide under Object[].
>> > I'm currently building a jsonp sample that will include the various ways
>> > of
>> > calling jsonp services (json objects, jquery, etc.). It will be good for
>> > testing and if you consider it good enough, for the samples/ directory
>> > too.
>> The Operation object does include the data binding type information,
>> see methods such as getInputType which return DataType objects.
>> Binding impls set the type of data they expect, in the jsonp binding
>> see that done at line 45  of  JSONPServiceBindingProvider.
>> (Not sure if that was the question you're asking, does that help?)
>>   ...ant

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