Simon Nash wrote:
Scott Kurz wrote:
Ah, thanks Simon for reminding us of that.  I'd remembered us
generating a soapAction anyway.. but that's just for the bare mapping

I saw that code, and I was rather puzzled by it as I didn't see
anything in the JAX-WS spec to say that SOAPAction should be
generated in the bare mapping case.

Perhaps I should run a couple of Java interfaces (bare and wrapped)
through the JAX-WS RI wsgen to see what it does with them.

I tried this, and wsgen doesn't seem to treat the bare case any
differently than the wrapped case.  In both cases soapAction is
generated only if specified by @WebMethod(action=....)

Why does Tuscany always generate soapAction for the bare case,
even though this is inconsistent with JAX-WS?


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