On 04/02/2011 15:47, ant elder wrote:
On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Florian MOGA<moga....@gmail.com>  wrote:
I'm planning to volunteer at QCon London next month in order to be able to
attend the sessions and tutorials. The conference and tutorials take place
between 7-11 March. It would be great if we can have a Tuscany meetup (pub
meeting or hacking session) in one of the two adjacent weekends (maybe 6th
of March?). Looking forward to your feedback.

I'm in London and free around then so would be happy to meet up. Would
be good if any of the other committers who are not so far from here
could come along (Simon/Simon/Mike?), something like a hacking session
to clean things up for the 2.0 release would be good.



A meetup would be great - but I'd prefer a weekday to a weekend - I will get some heat from the boss if I try to use up another precious weekend day for doing programming stuff.

Any chance that we could meet on one of those days - 7th - 11th ?

Any idea on a good venue? Ideally, we'd want somewhere not too noisy and with good conectivity. IBM South Bank occurred to me, but I know that they are rebuilding the public meeting rooms there which makes find a slot hard at the moment...

Yours,  Mike.

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