Florian Moga wrote:
Actually, that's perfect timing. Monday I've only registered for a tutorial from 13:00 to 16:00 so I'll try and arrange things in such a way that I'll take care of the volunteering side in the morning and will be able to meet up with you after that. I don't have too much information at the moment (I've just been contacted by the QCon volunteering team and I wanted to check with you before I book my flights). I'll try and find out more about the QCon venue and if there's something available that fits our needs. Btw, are we planning a full day meetup or just the afternoon?
I could arrive about 11.30 am and stay as long as others want to.


I'll keep you posted on any updates I have.

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 5:51 PM, Simon Nash <n...@apache.org <mailto:n...@apache.org>> wrote:

    Simon Laws wrote:

        On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Florian Moga <moga....@gmail.com
        <mailto:moga....@gmail.com>> wrote:

            Hi Mike,
            Unfortunately, I don't have too much information on the
            schedule when the
            volunteering work can be done thus I cannot guarantee that I
            would be able
            to attend a meetup during a weekday. If in the meantime I
            can find a way to
            leave a free afternoon, I'll let you know right away.

            On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 3:44 PM, Mike Edwards
            <mailto:mike.edwards.inglen...@gmail.com>> wrote:

                On 04/02/2011 15:47, ant elder wrote:

                    On Fri, Feb 4, 2011 at 12:46 PM, Florian
                    MOGA<moga....@gmail.com <mailto:moga....@gmail.com>>

                        I'm planning to volunteer at QCon London next
                        month in order to be able
                        attend the sessions and tutorials. The
                        conference and tutorials take
                        between 7-11 March. It would be great if we can
                        have a Tuscany meetup
                        meeting or hacking session) in one of the two
                        adjacent weekends (maybe
                        of March?). Looking forward to your feedback.

                    I'm in London and free around then so would be happy
                    to meet up. Would
                    be good if any of the other committers who are not
                    so far from here
                    could come along (Simon/Simon/Mike?), something like
                    a hacking session
                    to clean things up for the 2.0 release would be good.



                A meetup would be great - but I'd prefer a weekday to a
                weekend - I will
                get some heat from the boss if I try to use up another
                precious weekend day
                for doing programming stuff.

                Any chance that we could meet on one of those days - 7th
                - 11th ?

                Any idea on a good venue?  Ideally, we'd want somewhere
                not too noisy and
                with good conectivity. IBM South Bank occurred to me,
                but I know that they
                are rebuilding the public meeting rooms there which
                makes find a slot hard
                at the moment...

                Yours,  Mike.

        I agree a meetup would be good. Have been holding back as I have
        other weekend commitments around that time that I haven't tied down
        yet. However if we can do it in the week sometime I'm more likely to
        be able to make it.


    Weekdays are generally better for me too, but I'm going away during
    that week so the only weekday I could make is Monday 7th.  Perhaps
    we could meet up at the QCon venue (in a lobby/coffee bar accessible
    to the public?) and Florian could join us for some part of the day
    when he isn't working.


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