Presently the endpoint registry doesn't hold any information on the
interfaces of an endpoint. In the past we have talked about adding
something and I wondered about starting to look at that now.

As an example of one thing I'd like to work: if you start the
helloworld sample in the distribution domain by doing "mvn tuscany:run
-o -DdomainURI=uri:default" in the helloworld sample and then start
another shell, eg in another command prompt do "mvn
-o -DdomainURI=uri:default" you can see the helloworld service in both
shells (use the "services" shell command) but if you try to invoke the
service with "invoke HelloworldComponent/Helloworld sayHello lkjlk" it
fails in the 2nd shell with an NPE because it doesn't know the
interface of the service.

One relatively easy option would be to put a wsdl for the service in
the endpoint registry and then have wsdl2java type utility API to
create Java interfaces from the wsdl as required. or we could try to
serialize the Tuscany interface model into the registry instead of a
wsdl. Before i do any of those has anyone given this any thought in
the past?


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