On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 12:19 PM, ant elder <ant.el...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Presently the endpoint registry doesn't hold any information on the
> interfaces of an endpoint. In the past we have talked about adding
> something and I wondered about starting to look at that now.
> As an example of one thing I'd like to work: if you start the
> helloworld sample in the distribution domain by doing "mvn tuscany:run
> -o -DdomainURI=uri:default" in the helloworld sample and then start
> another shell, eg in another command prompt do "mvn
> org.apache.tuscany.maven.plugins:maven-tuscany-plugin:2.0-SNAPSHOT:shell
> -o -DdomainURI=uri:default" you can see the helloworld service in both
> shells (use the "services" shell command) but if you try to invoke the
> service with "invoke HelloworldComponent/Helloworld sayHello lkjlk" it
> fails in the 2nd shell with an NPE because it doesn't know the
> interface of the service.
> One relatively easy option would be to put a wsdl for the service in
> the endpoint registry and then have wsdl2java type utility API to
> create Java interfaces from the wsdl as required. or we could try to
> serialize the Tuscany interface model into the registry instead of a
> wsdl. Before i do any of those has anyone given this any thought in
> the past?
>   ...ant

Good idea.

We put a normalized WSDL representation in place for all interfaces.
It would seem appropriate to add this to the registry. I don't think
there is a requirement to generate Java from this WSDL as it can be
used directly for interface comparison.


Apache Tuscany committer: tuscany.apache.org
Co-author of a book about Tuscany and SCA: tuscanyinaction.com

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