Thanks Luciano!

Do you know if new git repositories get automatically mirrored to Github as
well, or do we need to create a separate JIRA issue for that?


- Jean-Sebastien

On Sat, Oct 24, 2015 at 7:57 AM, Luciano Resende <>

> An exciting  +1 for all that has been said on this thread.
> And btw, I went ahead and requested a new git repository for this
> On Sun, Oct 18, 2015 at 10:25 PM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <
>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> It has been a while...
>> Today I was reflecting on what I've been doing in the last two years,
>> mostly micro-services on Node.js, and I'm starting to think that the
>> original ideas behind SCA and Tuscany may be useful to me again. So you may
>> hear a bit more from me on this list again in the next few weeks...
>> My new world is very different from the world we initially created
>> Tuscany for: Node.js, Javascript everywhere, isomorphic Web apps, simple
>> REST 'services', simple middleware and databases, and not much technical
>> complexity getting in the way of writing business logic. Many of the issues
>> we were trying to address with SCA like multi-language, multi-protocol,
>> complexity of the JEE platform and WS stack, weird objects requiring
>> injection etc, don't exist anymore in my new world.
>> That's great as developing Web micro-services has become really easy! So
>> easy that I have so many micro-services in my apps now that sometimes it
>> gets a bit hard to keep track which service calls which, what's that
>> service address, what I need to change when that service moves or gets
>> updated, or what's involved when something goes wrong and I need to find
>> which service broke.
>> That's a serious problem, and something that made me think about SCA and
>> Tuscany again. Despite all the greatness of Node.js and REST and
>> micro-services, I'm probably still missing some kind of assembly model like
>> we had with SCA. Something that would model my app as as an assembly of
>> micro-services. Something that would allow my services to reference each
>> other without having to update environment variables all over the place
>> with their addresses. Something that would allow me to understand that a
>> service broke because another service that it references is currently down.
>> Something that would provide a description of my service call graphs for
>> debugging for example. Right now, it's really easy for me to develop
>> micro-services and wire them together, but I don't have a good way to model
>> that wiring.
>> Maybe what I'm looking for is a small subset of the original SCA
>> concepts: a description of my app as an assembly of services, Javascript
>> friendly, simple and lightweight, declarative but programmable, and
>> distributed and dynamic as my services need to move around to scale out or
>> when a Cloud region goes down. So, I'm going to spend some of my spare time
>> on this, evenings and weekends, and try to put together a new variation of
>> Tuscany for Node.js. I'd like to figure out if that good old SCA can help
>> me again with my little micro-services issues.
>> I'm thinking about calling that new variation of Tuscany 'Tuscany.js',
>> and maybe put it in a new 'js' sub-folder in the Tuscany repo besides the
>> existing java and cpp folders.
>> I'd love to work on it with other folks in the community if they're
>> interested! Thoughts?
>> - Jean-Sebastien
> --
> Luciano Resende

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