On 08/09/2016 01:45 PM, Terence Yim wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> Currently there is no way of knowing when the TwillRunnerService finished
> the first sync up with the ZK. Would you mind opening a JIRA for that?


> For the YARN application state inside the YarnTwillController, currently it
> is not surfaced. Potentially it can be added to the
> TwillController.getResourceReport() method.
> We are also looking for improving the state reporting through the
> TwillController after an app was submitted via surfacing more information
> about individual app state/resource and cluster resources. Would you mind
> file JIRA(s) for them as well?
I will.  I need to research a bit to write a good ticket.

> Thanks,
> Terence
> On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 1:07 PM, Martin Serrano <mar...@attivio.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I see from the source that the TwillRunnerService is locating existing
>> controllers by querying ZK in the background.  Since these run in the
>> background, there seems to be no way to know when the requests are
>> complete.  Thus, on starting up the service, I can't reliably determine
>> the complete set of controllers running from previous sessions.  Is
>> there a way to know?  Is there a listener I can register?
>> Also, I see that YarnTwillController internally determines the current
>> application state (RUNNING, ACCEPTED, etc) via a YarnAppicationReport.
>> Is there any public API for this information?
>> Basically I'm trying to work through the problem of submission of an
>> application, monitoring the current state, detecting somehow that it is
>> going to stay stuck in the ACCEPTED state, and then working out why.
>> Sometimes it is lack of memory resources, sometimes cpu.  Is there any
>> programmatic way?
>> Thanks,
>> Martin Serrano

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