Hi all,
I'm starting to address the tasks at [1] to make the Addons release.
My plan proposal is the following, by the end of the week:

- address RDFCASConsumer issue with Java5 (otherwise let it outside the
- decide if we can tweak SimpleUIMAAsService to release it too
- check if Burn can commit missing stuff of GaleMultiModalExample
- fix RAT for those failing (seen an issue for BSF)

Also I'd like to fix UIMA-2014 [3] (perhaps in cooperation with Marshall) in
a couple of days and decide how to handle SandboxDistr.
The list of sandbox related issues is quite short (and most are quite old)
[2], I'm fixing the first two and defer (or bulk close) the others.
At the moment I'm also trying the first dryRuns to check release issues in
What do you think?

[1] : http://uima.apache.org/release.html
[2] :
[3] : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-2014

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