On 1/28/2011 4:37 AM, Tommaso Teofili wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've changed the name of sandbox-osgi-runtime to addons-osgi-runtime and
> also aligned the modules' names to their artifactId.
> Trying to install the whole addons package I see the uima-addons and
> uima-addons-parent projects are not in trunk but under
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/uima/sandbox/ while I think they should be in
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/uima/sandbox/trunk/ as also the aggregate
> addons project POM refers to uima-addons-parent with a relative path
> ../uima-addons-parent.
> What do you think?

Yes, that's correct.  My fault - sorry about that...  Please fix :-)


> At this time I don't think we'll release RDFCASConsumer and
> GaleMultiModalExample as they need some more work, I've also the same
> feeling regarding SimpleUIMAASService.
> RAT are fixed (thanks Marshall).
> Cheers,
> Tommaso
> 2011/1/24 Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com>
>> I've checked in my work on aligning the uima-addons with the current maven
>> build
>> processes.
>> mvn install -Papache-release
>> done in the uimaj-addons project should now build the source-release and
>> binary
>> distributions.
>> The LICENSE / NOTICE file for this needs fixing up, to correspond to what's
>> being included.
>> I accidentally re-did some of the RAT corrections, because my checked out
>> version wasn't up to date with the changes Tommaso had done.
>> -Marshall
>> On 1/24/2011 11:12 AM, Marshall Schor wrote:
>>> On 1/23/2011 5:50 AM, Tommaso Teofili wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> I'm starting to address the tasks at [1] to make the Addons release.
>>>> My plan proposal is the following, by the end of the week:
>>>> - address RDFCASConsumer issue with Java5 (otherwise let it outside the
>>>> release)
>>>> - decide if we can tweak SimpleUIMAAsService to release it too
>>>> - check if Burn can commit missing stuff of GaleMultiModalExample
>>>> - fix RAT for those failing (seen an issue for BSF)
>>> Good list.  I've taken the task of fixing RAT for the failing issues -
>> this is
>>> now done - just testing before I commit.
>>> I've also added a local-to-the-svn-folder uima-addons-parent project - to
>> hold
>>> any common pom updates before they get into a higher level parent, and a
>>> uima-addons "top level" project that combines the top-level release pom
>>> functions (mainly building the aggregated source release, together with
>> any
>>> top-level readmes etc.) with the building of the binary distributions
>> (formerly
>>> projects with names like -distr).
>>> Checking in shortly...
>>>> Also I'd like to fix UIMA-2014 [3] (perhaps in cooperation with
>> Marshall) in
>>>> a couple of days and decide how to handle SandboxDistr.
>>>> The list of sandbox related issues is quite short (and most are quite
>> old)
>>> Some of these should be re-assigned to the new Jira version for the
>> addons, it's
>>> something like 2.3.1Addons
>>>> [2], I'm fixing the first two and defer (or bulk close) the others.
>>>> At the moment I'm also trying the first dryRuns to check release issues
>> in
>>>> addons.
>>>> What do you think?
>>>> Tommaso
>>> Hold the dry run till I check in the new build stuff, please...
>>> -Marshall
>>>> [1] : http://uima.apache.org/release.html
>>>> [2] :
>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&&pid=12310570&status=1&component=12311530&component=12313431&component=12312067&component=12312304&component=12313021&component=12312394&component=12312012&component=12312150&component=12312010&component=12312880&component=12312064&component=12312013&component=12312009&component=12312066&component=12312624&component=12312068&component=12312065&component=12312400&component=12312011&sorter/field=issuekey&sorter/order=DESC
>>>> [3] : https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-2014

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