Searching this error gives one possibly interesting hit:

with a work-around of making the launching JDK and the runtime JDK the same?


On 4/3/2020 5:04 AM, Richard Eckart de Castilho wrote:
> - compared SVN tag against source release (using Meld btw) - ok
> - CLI build (Java 13.0.1) - ok
> - Installing after installing UIMA plugins first - OK
> - Importing example projects as "Existing projects" (not Maven) - OK (Imports 
> three projects)
> - Run ExampleProject/script/uima/ruta/example/Main.ruta - FAILED - I just get 
> this message:
>   Error occurred during initialization of boot layer: 
> java.lang.LayerInstantiationException: Package jdk.internal.jimage in both 
> module jrt.fs and java.base (Eclipse running on OpenJDK 13)
> Is this a known/expected problem?
> Cheers,
> -- Richard
> Other issues:
> - URL given in the announcement incorrect - correct is 

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