>From my understanding of the situation, that's not an accurate
characterization of what's happened here.  All that's happened is that a
group that is working on a private fork of Usergrid has come forward to
start contributing their work back into the project for the purpose of
invigorating it.  Keyur reached out to me and a few others two days ago to
find out how to do this and while we were advising him on how to
participate formally in the project, we asked the vote to pause.  The
expectation is that the participation will result in PRs consistent with
the process.  I don't think the real concern right now should be about
questions of transparency since there were no behind-the scenes project
decisions being made.  I think the questions and concerns should be about
sustaining community engagement.  We are still overly dependent on a
relatively small set of developers.  For any project, developers will come
and go, and for many of the developers that do participate, their activity
may be sponsored by employers whose interest in the project may change over
time.  That's why a project need diverse set of contributors.  I suggest we
pay more attention to that going forward to avoid being back in this

On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 4:59 PM Dave <snoopd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> +1 to Todd's valid concerns about transparency and visibility.
> All decisions and most discussions* about the project should be public via
> email or JIRA.
> Dave
> * there are some exceptions for new committer, PMC member and security
> vulnerabily discussions, please refer to the policies documented on the ASF
> web site.
> On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 12:59 PM Todd Nine <todd.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > This vote has received the required 3 -1 votes to not move to the Attic.
> > Therefore, the vote does not pass.
> >
> > I'm thrilled that UG is getting some attention, and development is
> > continuing.  However, this seems to be happening in isolation without the
> > visibility the Apache process prefers.  If I search JIRA for closed
> issues,
> > I see the last ticket created and closed was on 06/15/2015.
> >
> >
> >
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/projects/USERGRID/issues/USERGRID-733?filter=allopenissues&orderby=created+DESC%2C+priority+DESC%2C+updated+DESC
> >
> > Lets get some of these issues into JIRA, out on the mailing list, and get
> > the PRs open. This visibility is going to be required to ensure the
> project
> > is considered healthy moving forward and contributions continue.
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 22, 2018 at 4:50 AM Mike Dunker <mikedun...@calbears.net>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > -1 (since Keyur mentioned continued future contributions)
> > >
> >

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