It's been a month with no replies. Anyone have
additional thoughts/proposals on the topic of moving Usergrid to the Attic?

-Michael R.

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 10:06 AM Michael Russo <>

> Hi,
> In Aug 2018, a vote to move Usergrid to the Attic did not pass as there
> was interest in bringing contributions from a private fork back into the
> project. In Feb 2019, I asked the dev community for help to resolve some
> long standing issues. We haven't gotten consistent contributions to bring
> the project back to a healthy state. Now in 2021, Usergrid is essentially
> in the same state it was back in Aug 2018 but it's aged even more:
> 1. No activity on the mailing lists or JIRA
> 2. Usergrid still only supports Cassandra 1.x(unsupported) and
> Elasticsearch 1.7.x (EOL'd).
> 3. Elasticsearch licensing has changed and there is a fair amount of
> effort required to ensure Usergrid stays within license on newer versions.
> See
> 4. Modernizing the deployment has not happened.
> (containerization/kubernetes, supporting more cloud providers than just
> AWS, etc.)
> We should again discuss the possibility about moving Usergrid to the Attic
> given that it's been 2.5 years with not much change. Thoughts?
> -Michael R.

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