Hi, all:
I think it's important to have a roadmap to change the present situation in 
community and diversity. I have written a proposal for the follow-on community 
building. Please have a review and any advice is welcome:D.
The first stage should be "DO BETTER", improving the workflow, documentation, 
tools, plugins, etc. which are the largest short boards for now.

1. Workflow:

    • Discussion, all the things below should be discussed on dev@ or Jira 
issues, discuss BEFORE commit.

        • work in-progress
        • feature to be implemented
        • any ideas, either for feature or for community

    • Contribution

        • make a clearer contribution guide, including how to create 
issues(with a good format), ask or answer questions, join discussions, 
contribute to documentation, contribute to code, etc.
        • add easy-to-solve tags or labels to some issues to attract 

    • Development

        • change branch flow which was mentioned in [1] .
        • define a good commit format, as the commits now are really messy
        • one commit for one issue

2. Documentation

    • a complete 0-1 tutorial is badly needed
    • modify documentation style and structure which is in progress [2]
    • encourage EVERYONE to rewrite the documents which are difficult to 
understand and find some native speakers to have a review.
    • add a document evaluation mechanism to indicate the quality of 
    • add a who-is-using-weex page in a obvious place.

3. Plugins

    • develop more plugins with interaction ability to community, such as 
rich-text, gesture, animation, etc.
    • create tools to link plugins more easily.

4. Tools

    • improve weex toolkit and devtool's developer experience, get all the 
commands in order, make sure every command has clear flow and error handling.

If the community has enough "content", the next stage should be "PROMOTE 
OURSELVES", we should try to make connection with developers from Europe and 
America, we can promote our community with the help of Vuejs community.

1. Writing Blogs, the first blog can be a complete tutorial about Weex, 
followed by some blogs about technical details, one blog each week will be 
excellent at the beginning.
2. Use Western Social Media like Twitter, Facebook, etc.
3. Other channels like newsletter, meetup, AMA, etc.

If there are no objections, I will create issue for every action and try to 
find appropriate guy to accomplish it. The community building needs EVERYONE's 
[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WEEX-75
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WEEX-79

Adam Feng

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