Hi Weex folks,

I’m thinking of moving Playground and Examples out of Weex repo to simplify our 
code base, I hope we can fully discuss if it is necessary to make this move.

Playground is a good entry to fiddle with the features of basic components and 
debug your pages, but it is kind of heavy if we take it as a demo in the Weex 
repo. As many of the Weex developers tend to create their own applications 
based on the Playground project, I suppose it is necessary to create a simpler 
one, say AppShell, which only contains QR Scan and page load functions, it 
would be sufficient for users to test their Weex pages, and much easier for 
them to take it as an application template to create their own project. 
Playground should be maintained in a separate repo in WeexTeam, which can be 
maintained and distributed separately.

Same things should also happens to examples directory, I suppose what we really 
need is one or few simplified example to demonstrate the usage of the main 
components and the way of implementing app using Weex in the simplest way, not 
to keep those detailed example for each components in Weex repo. Instead I 
think it is a good practice to move them into WeexTeam and maintains as a 
separate repo, and replace the .we implementation with .vue as well.

Any thought? I hope we can fully discuss it and bring out a proposal to make it 
happen asap.

Jonathan Dong

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