Hi folks,

Per INFRA-17365, we received this message today that GitHub is discontinuing 
issue.sh as of tomorrow.

ASF Infra

> Begin forwarded message:
> From: GitHub <marketpl...@github.com>
> Subject: A change to your GitHub Marketplace subscription
> Date: June 6, 2019 at 2:30:43 PM PDT
> To: <priv...@infra.apache.org>
> Reply-To: priv...@infra.apache.org
> Reply-To: GitHub <marketpl...@github.com>
> <https://github.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d7ced8c4bbd6c2f238673f0f&id=899018586b&e=3482bfeeb7>Hi
>  there,
> We're writing to let you know that Issue.sh has been delisted from GitHub 
> Marketplace and your active subscription will be canceled on Friday, June 7th.
> Please review the Project Management category 
> <https://github.us11.list-manage.com/track/click?u=9d7ced8c4bbd6c2f238673f0f&id=73605294ee&e=3482bfeeb7>
>  in Marketplace for other tools that may meet your needs.
> Happy shipping,
> GitHub Marketplace team
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