Note from me as a private person, not an Apache Incubator mentor:
I really don't understand why and how the names of "Useful, but not
essential" are "violating the IP of ASF". I really dislike this
"Apache Weex Android Devtools" would be problematic, but "Android
Devtools for Apache Weex" is exactly what _I_ would rename my project
into to avoid this problem.



Am Do., 22. Aug. 2019 um 13:03 Uhr schrieb York Shen <>:
> Hi, all
> I spent some time these days figuring out essential tools around Weex Project 
> as we talked before [1][2], and I am going to contact the owners of these 
> tools to donate their IP to ASF in the following weeks. Here is what I found 
> out, and you can also find this list on confluence [3] .
> As there are around ten tools, I am going to start with essential tools. 
> However, there are little chance that the owner of the related project refuse 
> to donate their IP to Apache-Weex. If so, we shall persuade them to change 
> the name of their repo as they are violating the IP of ASF. (I hope this 
> would never happen).
> Essential Tool
> Essential tool for compiling source code.
> weex-toolkit: a CLI tool including compiling function.
> weex-loader: tools for compiling .vue files on Android/iOS platform
> weex-vue-loader: tools for compiling .vue files on Android/iOS platform
> Useful, but not essential
> Some useful tools, for debugging, analyzing purpose.
> Android
> analyzer-of-android-for-Apache-Weex: a performance analyzer tool for Weex 
> Android
> android-devtools-for-Apache-Weex: a debugger tool for Weex Android
> iOS
> devtool-iOS-for-Apache-Weex: a performance analyzer tool for Weex iOS
> analyzer-of-iOS-for-Apache-Weex: a debugger tool for Weex iOS
> Node
> weex-vue-render: tools for compiling .vue files on optional platform(Browser)
> downgrade: tools for deciding whether enabling fallback to optional platform 
> when rendering.
> [1] 
> <>
> [2] 
> <>
> [3] 
> <>

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