On 11/3/07, Erik van Oosten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Matej Knopp wrote:
> > I haven't heard a single argument against replacing <div/> with
> > <div></div> except people being anxious of wicket touching the markup.
> >
> The best real argument I know is that I want the HLTM to be viewable
> without Wicket.
I don't understand how this change affects previewability.
> Of course it is fine to have Wicket provide optional behaviour to
> 'correct' html.
It doesn't make sense to do this as optional unless it's on by default.


> Regards,
>     Erik.
> --
> Erik van Oosten
> http://2008.rubyenrails.nl/
> http://day-to-day-stuff.blogspot.com/

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