Matej Knopp wrote:
Fixing this has practical benefits. And I haven't heard one argument
against it except that "wicket shouldn't do that because it's html". I
have personally problems with such arguments. It just feels not

We have three options here:
 1. Fix the issue transparently for the user.
 2. Tell the user they've made an error and how to fix it.
 3. Not give you any help at all.

I'd argue that if it's possible to make stuff "just work" (i.e. #1) then you should do.

Computer/framework's job is to make things as easy as possible. If we can tell you how to fix an issue, then the only possible argument for not doing so automatically is if that's really hard, or if there's a performance penalty in doing that. Given this scan would only happen once per markup-file load, not on every page hit, it's probably fine performance-wise.

So, uh, we should just fix it transparently.



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