Is this something like findbugs and how is that other one called...

There is already an open jira issue for that, last week i already applied a few.
Its assigned to me.

Not all are aplicable by the way, but we should look what we can do..

On 12/23/07, C. Bergström <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I ran inspection against the wicket trunk (Revision: 606531) and maybe
> interesting to someone else as well..  It covers a lot... including
> superfluous things such as the html, css, javascript, naming
> conventions.. This is with default settings, but if anyone wants I can
> rerun and include/exclude more items.. (unchecking the html, but
> including potential memory issues..)
> Of course there are false positives..
> ------
> archtypes/quickstart...
> package ${packageName};
> ------
> It's temporarily available at
> (Warning 1.7M download, but extracts out to 144M)
> Alternatively, you can browse it.
> I don't mind making up a patch, but I can't commit.
> If you want to reproduce this..
> Download IDEA
> 1) Checkout a new project from svn
> 2) Create a new project from that using maven (should be self
> explanatory)
> 3) Analyze > inspect code
> For some/most of the items you'll have the option to refactor a fix.
> Seasonal greetings!
> ./C

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