Why not use the panel directly?

I use panels for my modal window and it works fine:)

I meant this:

And this for displaying:
       AjaxLink popupLink = new AjaxLink("manageWeightPop") {
           public void onClick(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
.appendJavascript("Wicket.Window.unloadConfirmation = false;");
               modalWindow.setTitle("Weight Log.");
               modalWindow.setContent(new ManageWeightPanel(modalWindow
                       .getContentId(), modalWindow,
                       new BaseEntityDetachableModel(getPerson())));

regards Nino

Maurice Marrink wrote:
I think it would be even better to wrap the panel nino is talking
about in a new page for your modal window.


On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael
 Korbinian Bachl - privat wrote:


I've noticed that a Form inside a ModalWindow can't be submitted using the
onSubmit function (and dislikes a standard submit button) but instead
requires an AjaxButton to call the action - why is this so? It makes my life
currently somehow hard as I need 2 nearly identical forms - one with
AjaxButton (in case I want to use it in  ModalWindow), one without
AjaxButton for non JS pages.
 Because of the server round trip I think.. Why not have one panel, which
contains your form and then two childs, which adds the submit part eg a
submit link etc...

Also I noticed a strage behaviour:

when using ModalWindow with a Page we have the pageConstructor() that
creates a whole new page (all models are fresh) when opening it, while in
case you use it with a Panel/ Component the component is created just once
and Models arent cleaned up in case you close the window and reopen it
(e.g.: a form you put in and submit and close window and reopen it using
initial link displays the submited values) - opposite behaviour compared to
ModalWindow with Page where on each creation all is cleaned.


 -Wicket for love

 Nino Martinez Wael
 Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
 +45 2936 7684

-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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