Maurice Marrink wrote:
@Nino, i seem to remember some issues a while back
 with modalwindows and forms and i needed a page to solve them. It's
possible this was caused by something special i needed to do, so
perhaps it also works without in other situations. I haven't used
modal window often enough to know for sure.

Ahh, thats why then...
@Korbinian, If you wrap the panel in a page you could delegate the
close behavior to the page by using a WindowClosedCallback. the panel
never needs to know it will be used in a modalwindow.

As for the multitude of markupfiles i think you could have a parent
panel with markup which contains a form and a normal button to submit
the form. the ajaxified panel then only needs to replace the button
with an ajaxbutton. it does not need a new markup.

I guess he could also solve this by having one constructor for ajax and another for non ajax in his panel.. That would mean only one panel.. It depends on what he wants..

Wicket in a nutshell letting OO concerns up to you:)

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 4:01 PM, Korbinian Bachl - whiskyworld
Hi Maurice,

 the problem is that the panel needs to know about the modal window so it
can close/ react on it. And as I wrote to Nino, this additional extending
means a lot of code bleed - however, im not sure if its not just me who
didnt understand the usage of them right...

 Im using the mw mainly for the ability to add additional lines in a
DropDownChoice etc.;



 Maurice Marrink schrieb:

I think it would be even better to wrap the panel nino is talking
about in a new page for your modal window.


On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 2:59 PM, Nino Saturnino Martinez Vazquez Wael

 Korbinian Bachl - privat wrote:


I've noticed that a Form inside a ModalWindow can't be submitted using
onSubmit function (and dislikes a standard submit button) but instead
requires an AjaxButton to call the action - why is this so? It makes my
currently somehow hard as I need 2 nearly identical forms - one with
AjaxButton (in case I want to use it in  ModalWindow), one without
AjaxButton for non JS pages.

 Because of the server round trip I think.. Why not have one panel,
contains your form and then two childs, which adds the submit part eg a
submit link etc...

Also I noticed a strage behaviour:

when using ModalWindow with a Page we have the pageConstructor() that

creates a whole new page (all models are fresh) when opening it, while
case you use it with a Panel/ Component the component is created just
and Models arent cleaned up in case you close the window and reopen it
(e.g.: a form you put in and submit and close window and reopen it using
initial link displays the submited values) - opposite behaviour compared
ModalWindow with Page where on each creation all is cleaned.



 -Wicket for love

 Nino Martinez Wael
 Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
 +45 2936 7684

  whiskyworld e.K.
  Ziegelfeld 6
  94481 Grafenau/ Haus im Wald
  Tel. 08555/ 406 320
  Fax. 08555/ 406 319

  Amtsgericht Passau: HRA 11760
  Geschäftsführer: Ulrike Bachl
  UstID: DE193152422

-Wicket for love

Nino Martinez Wael
Java Specialist @ Jayway DK
+45 2936 7684

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