On Tue, Nov 10, 2009 at 12:00 PM, Kenny MacLeod
<kenny.macl...@kizoom.com> wrote:
> I agree that it should be no means be the default setting, but in some cases
> you *know* your production environment does not serialize sessions.
> For example, we run in a JBoss cluster with Tomcat session replication
> disabled. Our sessions are full of legacy objects that are not serializable,
> and it causes no problem whatsoever. There's no replication, and no session
> passivation.
> All I'm suggesting is that the option is made available, with suitable
> health warnings.

How much are you really saving here anyway?  Is it really that much of
a performance penalty to go through a proxy (compared to the rest of
what goes on during a request cycle)?  This sounds like a premature
optimization to me.

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