* investigate "component queuing"
** https://github.com/ivaynberg/wicket/tree/component-queuing
** WICKET-3335
** goals: only force developers to provide hierarchy information where
necessary, lazy-build from markup otherwise
** investigate if the main add() method can be reworked to work like
queue() and what effect that will have on symmetry with get(string)
and remove(string) once components are placed into proper parents.

* rework examples into a proper showcase app


On Mon, Aug 29, 2011 at 3:12 PM, Martijn Dashorst
<martijn.dasho...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In order to start discussing what will constitute Wicket Next and
> where we want to take our beloved framework, I'll start off with my
> wish list:
> 1. Java 6 as a minimum requirement for *all* of wicket
> 2. Servlet API 3.0 as a minimum requirement
> 3. JavaEE 6 support for at least CDI
> 4. Proper OSGi support
> 5. Ajax refactoring to use JQuery and provide proper JQuery integration in 
> core
> 6. Shorter release cycle
> I +1000 #1 in my wish list, since then I'll be able to build releases again.
> Regarding #6 I aim to release Wicket 6 final in December.
> Martijn

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