On Aug 29, 2011, at 6:31 PM, Brian Topping wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2011, at 6:12 PM, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
>> In order to start discussing what will constitute Wicket Next and
>> where we want to take our beloved framework, I'll start off with my
>> wish list:
>> 1. Java 6 as a minimum requirement for *all* of wicket
>> 2. Servlet API 3.0 as a minimum requirement
>> 3. JavaEE 6 support for at least CDI
>> 4. Proper OSGi support
>> 5. Ajax refactoring to use JQuery and provide proper JQuery integration in 
>> core
>> 6. Shorter release cycle
> 7. More granular modules that are released independently w/ version ranges 
> for dependencies. Addresses #6.
> 8. Modularized content management, allowing content to be loaded from 
> database or classpath, clustered, etc.
> 9. Modularized classloader whereby drop-ins can load from #8.

I forgot to add a piece that I was planning to experiment with:

10. Modularized rendering paradigms (HTML5, portlet, jQuery, extJS, prototype, 
etc) whereby #5 (above) is not built into core, but abstracted into it's own 
module, and developers would choose which paradigm they wanted to use at 
project inception.  Basis of this comes from having a wiQuery component cascade 
states (selected, enabled) across the UI, which is unbearable on a slow 
connection.  A pluggable rendering paradigm could make optimizations for the JS 
framework it supports to avoid these kinds of issues, without creating a 
"fragile base class" situation or crippling the core strengths of a particular 


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