Yep, this is really important. 

A bit of a rhetorical question: Why not design with modularity as a 
first-class requirement?  

On Sep 20, 2011, at 7:43 PM, Ben Tilford wrote:

> With the js framework suggestions I havn't seen anyone mention a module
> system like require.js this would be something I'd wan't to see used. If
> something like jQuery gets included without a module system it would only be
> a matter of time until was released and someone wants to use it.
> A module system would allow the app developer to specify dependency versions
> without causing conflicts with those provided by the library (Wicket).
> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 12:59 PM, Dan Retzlaff <> wrote:
>> Well said, Juliano! Thanks for your contribution.
>> In my experience the awkward parts of interacting with JS/JQuery objects
>> from Wicket are
>> 1. Converting model objects to/from JS strings
>> 2. Invoking JS initialization functions (with data arguments) at the right
>> time, i.e. when a certain Wicket component get (re)rendered.
>> 3. Keeping track of server-side behavior callback URLs, and invoking them
>> with additional parameters from within JS functions.
>> As has been said, there's nothing particularly hard about these, but in the
>> end there tends to be more boiler plate than business.
>> Re #1, Wicket has a nice IConverter framework for object/string marshalling
>> used mostly by FormComponents. Maybe this could be leveraged to push/pull
>> model values to/from JavaScript without explicit application code.
>> Re #2, what if components could be told to export their model values into
>> the DOM, and the value were accessible through something like
>> Then a normal (anonymous) dom/document ready
>> event handler can be used to init the JS world without additional Java.
>> Re #3, maybe the Wicket JS API can include a way to initiate a request,
>> similar to form submit, to push new values back to the server. The main
>> difference with actual form submit is that you needn't have <form> and
>> <input> tags and wicket:ids; the existing components and their models are
>> sufficient. This may be a naive suggestion, though, since most of the form
>> validation process would still need to apply, and need to be customizable
>> per component / model object.
>> Just a few suggestions. Please don't pull your punches tearing them down.
>> :)
>> Dan
>> On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 10:12 AM, Juliano Viana <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have been following this discussion and I think its not fair to call
>>> Wicket Ajax support broken.
>>> I started using Wicket back in 2007, and the environment then was:
>>> - Support for IE 6 was a must.
>>> - JavaScript on the browser was still slow and unreliable
>>> - The applications where designed to work mostly with standard HTTP
>>> request/replies, with only some specific functionalities being
>> implemented
>>> in Ajax.
>>> Since then the web has evolved a lot - IE 6 is dead (or dying), Google
>>> Chrome raised the bar for the JavaScript engines and most modern browsers
>>> now support WebSockets for low latency communications. We are now at the
>>> point where some people are deciding not to use a web framework at all,
>> and
>>> rely instead on JavaScript plus RESTful web services (Google Plus is an
>>> example of such an architecture).
>>> Wicket is still very good at what it does, specially considering the
>>> environment in which it evolved.  I personally dont think the API is an
>>> issue - every API is a compromise and once you learn to live within its
>>> limitations there is very little you can't do with Wicket Ajax one way or
>>> another.
>>> The issue I see is: there is a lot of opportunity for making applications
>> a
>>> lot more interactive by moving processing to the browser. GWT does that
>> by
>>> compiling Java into JavaScript, but my latest experiences with JavaScript
>>> have convinced me that this step is probably unnecessary - you can be
>>> pretty
>>> confident that once you use a framework like JQuery your code will run
>>> unmodified in the major web browsers. The only thing that is not so easy
>> to
>>> do is to interact with the server-side state.
>>> This is where I believe improvements can be made - enabling JavaScript to
>>> interact easily with Wicket models and listeners.  This would  make it
>>> easier to write more compelling user interfaces by leveraging current and
>>> future JS frameworks while preserving the Wicket component and model
>>> structure, which is in my oppinion Wicket's strongest point.
>>> Regards,
>>>    - Juliano.

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