Well, I think there is consent that we can say current wicket ajax is quite broken and a big pain in everyday usage.

The current ajax means loads of code in java for even trivial things. Triple-checking that a component knows its ajax and so on. So even *if* it will break api in future, I don't see a way around this!

Do we want all those AjaxRequestTargets, .setOutput******(boolean) and more of this even here in some years? Don't think so.

The other question is now what to do (from a higher perspective):

1st: do it on own
2nd: use somebody else's work

I would go for 2 and most specific go for a complete jQuery based wicket. Reasons are:

- jQuery is well designed, upgrade paths are good documented

- jQuery is *known* to already many many people, there are a ton of documentation out there - from books to DVD's!

- jQuery is actively developed by quite many people, just see how many are taking care for just (!) a JavaScript library: http://jquery.org/team/ and then compare the manpower to wicket itself that has much more to be taken care of

- jQuery *is* browser safe! I cant stop counting the times when I upgraded a browser and suddenly wicket Ajax stopped working, currently Opera 11.51 just killed one of my modal windows - at version 10.50 it worked... staying up to date now would only mean to make sure jQuery is up-to-date

- jQuery gives you hooks to interact with and provides some sort of layering, but please don't go the spring way (nobody needs *another* own breed java-script layer that then won't be really worked on and/ or cared for "up-to-dateness")

and final

-jQuery will save the wicket dev's much work in the future!

my 2c

Am 19.09.11 17:29, schrieb Martin Grigorov:

In the recent ticket changes by Igor I mentioned few comments that
Ajax will be re-written for Wicket.next (1.6, 3.0, 6.0 - whatever we
call it).

I want to share my experience with trying to re-vive Matej's work at [1], [2].
The changes there are a bit drastic (maybe because the task hasn't
been finished and the API breaks not cleaned) and knowing how Ajax
heavy are the applications I've worked on I think it will be quite a
work to migrate the apps from 1.5 to Wicket.next.
I also tried to introduce wicket-ajax.jar with the new impl and keep
the old one for transition but that wasn't easy too.

So I want to propose a two step approach:
1) introduce some JavaScript library for Wicket.next and improve
wicket-xyz.js files by using it
2) improve/reimplement Wicket Ajax for Wicket.next+1


2. https://github.com/martin-g/wicket/tree/ajax2

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