> On 7 mei 2014, at 11:20, Leszek Gawron <lgaw...@mobilebox.pl> wrote:
> Hibernate Session is actually a little bit different - Hibernate devs
> made it lightweight on purpose. It does not fetch db connection even
> if created preemptively.
> Let's call the "page" a DataPage. In my own half-baked solutions I
> usually used a very skinny DataPage implementation with not much more
> than iterator() and size().
> Some time ago I started using Spring DATA Jpa. Their page interface is
> very fat because it is backed up with a default PageImpl.
> First I was very hesitant about this solution but actually this
> approach encapsulates a lot of calculations (current page, available
> page count etc) in single class and makes all classes using it a
> little bit simpler.
> Have a look at:
> https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-data-commons/tree/master/src/main/java/org/springframework/data/domain
> in particular: Page.java, PageImpl.java, Pageable.java
> It's probably a overkill for wicket needs but we may use some of those
> ideas. We could start simple and see how much functionality suits us
> in DataPageImpl.
> Currently we have this functionality dispersed over some classes that
> shouldn't even perform those calculations, like AbstractPageableView:
>    /**
>     * @see 
> org.apache.wicket.markup.html.navigation.paging.IPageable#getPageCount()
>     */
>    @Override
>    public long getPageCount()
>    {
>        long total = getRowCount();
>        long itemsPerPage = getItemsPerPage();
>        long count = total / itemsPerPage;
>        if (itemsPerPage * count < total)
>        {
>            count++;
>        }
>        return count;
>    }
>    /**
>     * @return the index of the first visible item in the view
>     */
>    public long getFirstItemOffset()
>    {
>        return getCurrentPage() * getItemsPerPage();
>    }
> or PagingNavigationIncrementLink:
>    /**
>     * Determines the next page number for the pageable component.
>     *
>     * @return the new page number
>     */
>    public final long getPageNumber()
>    {
>        // Determine the page number based on the current
>        // PageableListView page and the increment
>        long idx = pageable.getCurrentPage() + increment;
>        // make sure the index lies between 0 and the last page
>        return Math.max(0, Math.min(pageable.getPageCount() - 1, idx));
>    }
>    /**
>     * @return True if it is referring to the first page of the
> underlying PageableListView.
>     */
>    public boolean isFirst()
>    {
>        return pageable.getCurrentPage() <= 0;
>    }
>    /**
>     * @return True if it is referring to the last page of the
> underlying PageableListView.
>     */
>    public boolean isLast()
>    {
>        return pageable.getCurrentPage() >= (pageable.getPageCount() - 1);
>    }
> If you are willing to accept a pull request for this functionality I
> could start some coding. I wanted to get your acceptance first as this
> is not an obvious change. I am quite sure we can keep all (or at least
> most) current public API intact.
> If all public API can be kept can I base my coding on 6.15?
>  lg
>> On Wed, May 7, 2014 at 12:05 AM, tetsuo <ronald.tet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Yeah, you're right. By reflex, I was thinking Hibernate Session (with open
>> session in view), not JDBC Connection, since I don't work directly with it
>> very often. And even if it was Hibernate, and the session was still open,
>> the connection would also be closed anyway.
>> What methods would the Page interface (with another name, since we already
>> have a Page class) have? iterator() and size()?
>> “The truth is rarely pure and never simple.” ― Oscar Wilde
>>> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Leszek Gawron <lgaw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> I replied from wrong email, please excuse me if this reaches the list
>>> twice.
>>>> On Tue, May 6, 2014 at 8:06 PM, tetsuo <ronald.tet...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Since it's the same request, isn't (or couldn't be) the db connection the
>>>> same in size() and iterator() calls? If you created the temporary table
>>> in
>>>> one, isn't it still available to the other (so you could avoid recreating
>>>> it)?
>>> Well, the connection is being managed by spring transactional resource
>>> management classes. A transaction is demarcated with
>>> @Transactional(readOnly=true) on a particular method. All
>>> transactional resources are bound to thread during transaction
>>> execution and released when transaction finishes. One transactional
>>> resource is of course a connection. I have extended this framework to
>>> register temporary table names which are being automatically deleted
>>> on transaction finish.
>>> Each time you invoke a transactional method you perform following steps:
>>> - acquire a connection from the pool
>>> - bind connection to thread making all subsequent queries use same
>>> connection
>>> - start transaction
>>> - do some work
>>> - finish transaction (of course for read only there is nothing to be done)
>>> - release transactional resources
>>> - unbind connection from thread
>>> - release connection to the pool.
>>> using spring framework without spring managed transactions means you
>>> end up using different connection for EVERY sql query.
>>> My IDataProviders usually wrap spring bean with
>>> @Transactional(readOnly=true) methods.
>>> Unfortunatelly two method calls: size() and iterator() mean two
>>> different transaction and two different connections. I am unable to
>>> wrap any single point of entry with @Transactional - that probably
>>> would have to be some generic Wicket method call. I cannot bind a
>>> connection to current request thread preemptively because that would
>>> mean a huge resource hog - I would have to obtain a connection from
>>> pool for every request being made.
>>> Temporary tables have connection scope so not deleting the table on
>>> connection release means polluting the database server with lots of
>>> temporary tables as long as connection stays in pool (which could be
>>> indefinite).
>>> The temporary tables would be probably stale all the time - any
>>> ongoing transaction may probably alter what the temporary table should
>>> contain.
>>> Anyway any approach still feels like a hack and not resolving the
>>> problem at source.
>>> A single point of entry in IDataProvider:
>>> - allows the user to manage resources more efficiently.
>>> - gives user the option to resign from providing size() information -
>>> do you really go from 1st to 15th page that often or do you usually
>>> click "next results"?
>>> - gives user the option to provide "has more results" information
>>> without providing actual dataset size.
>>> Having a single point of entry IDataSource means also you can do:
>>> new IDataProviderSingleEntry<T( oldDataProvider ) {
>>>  public Page<T> getPage( long first, long count ) {
>>>      return new PageImpl<T>(
>>>         oldDataProvider.interator( first, count ), oldDataProvider.size()
>>> );
>>>  }
>>> }
>>> This trivial decorator means IDataProviderSingleEntry and
>>> IDataProvider may even coexist in wicket-core and wicket-extensions.
>>> Some variation of this approach is actually used by inmethod-grid.
>>> Maybe we could unify the way all pageables access resources.
>>> --
>>> Leszek Gawron
> -- 
> Leszek Gawron                         http://www.mobilebox.pl/krs.html
> CTO at MobileBox S.A.

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