No technical blockers AFAIK, however, we really should do the marketing right:

- front page of website should feature 8 prominently
- work with Sally from PR for a press release to let the world know we
are not Dead Yetâ„¢
- have a really great announcement to give to the world about all the
benefits of Wicket 8

What are the key features that necessitate upgrading to Wicket 8?

Not blocking but really important:

- have a story to answer "Why not just use XXX.js?"
- have a story to answer "Isn't Java Server Side frameworks dead?"
- have a story to answer "Isn't Java dead"

Have a call list for when a reporter wants to have contact about
Wicket 8 and its future (esp. related to questions above)

Other things to consider:

- prepare some articles to publish to dzone, voxxed, etc.?


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