Let's keep this topics separate.

Any improvements to browser detection would be backwards compatible, right?


Am 29. März 2018 11:10:55 MESZ schrieb Maxim Solodovnik <solomax...@gmail.com>:
>Should I close my PR and start new discussion? :))
>On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 12:52 PM, Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:
>> BTW I'd rather keep the current solution as it is and discuss
>releasing Wicket 8 :)
>> Sven
>> Am 29. März 2018 07:49:02 MESZ schrieb Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net>:
>>>It's perfectly fine to use whatever tool gets the job done. People
>>>how to do it instead, but no one has to follow the advice.
>>>IMHO it's something different for a framework to offer an API on top
>>>a something that doesn't even work reliably:
>>>Wicket's browser detection is using regex-matching on identifiers
>>>generated by browsers to make it difficult to be detected :P.
>>>Regarding integrating of mentioned libraries:
>>>   LibraryXY.browser(clientInfo.getUserAgent()).supportsZ()
>>>I don't see a benefit of having that in Wicket or wicketstuff.
>>>Integrating modernizr might be more interesting, but I doubt many
>>>people need browser detection on the server.
>>>Have fun
>>>Am 29. März 2018 04:34:00 MESZ schrieb Maxim Solodovnik
>>>>"you would use feature detection" - unfortunately it doesn't work
>>>>Good real-life example is WebRtc: you can check it is supported,
>>>>then you need to know which browser your client is using .... (Plan
>>>>Plan B, Universal, "Safari way")
>>>>Another example wmode for <object>, FF acts differently,
>>>>so I really miss "which-browser" feature detection ....
>>>>On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 5:31 AM, Korbinian Bachl
>>>><korbinian.ba...@whiskyworld.de> wrote:
>>>>> ----- Ursprüngliche Mail -----
>>>>>>> even in 2009 it was considered bad:
>>>>>>> browser-sniffing-stinks/
>>>>>>> and in case that is not enough, read what the guy that invented
>>>>>>> has to say:
>>>>>>> http://farukat.es/journal/2011/02/499-lest-we-forget-or-
>>>>>>> how-i-learned-whats-so-bad-about-browser-sniffing/
>>>>>> I do not trust anyone who says "don't do it this way" but doesn't
>>>>say how
>>>>>> to do it!
>>>>>> There are several of "if (isBrowserX()) {...} else {...}" in
>>>>JS code
>>>>>> and they served well for the last decade.
>>>>>> Since there are several other *Java* libraries for user agent
>>>>>> this means that someone still finds them useful despite what
>>>>>> claim.
>>>>> unreliable things wont get reliably by pointing into the past and
>>>>then telling that your fater did it the same way....
>>>>> nowadays you would use feature detection, see:
>>>>>>> btw:
>>>>>>> https://github.com/HaraldWalker/user-agent-utils -> this is EOL,
>>>>>>> why...
>>>>>>> https://github.com/pieroxy/java-user-agent-detection/releases ->
>>>>>>> release from september 2017...
>>>>>> Sep 2017 is like yesterday
>>>>> (all only MAJOR releases!)
>>>>> 28. September 2017 - Firefox 56
>>>>> 14. November 2017 - Firefox 57 Quantum
>>>>> 23. Januar 2018 - Firefox 58
>>>>> 13. März 2018 - Firefox 59
>>>>> 2017-09-05 - Chrome 61.0.3163
>>>>> 2017-10-17 - Chrome 62.0.3202
>>>>> 2017-12-05 - Chrome 63.0.3239
>>>>> 2018-01-23 - Chrome 64.0.3282
>>>>> 2018-03-06 - Chrome 65.0.3325
>>>>> and this is just 2 desktop ones! I dont want to talk about the
>>>>of updates my android device got in that time (firefox mobile,
>>>>and samsung internet!) - oh, and btw: they still lie about the user
>>>>agent all time.... dont get me wrong, but sep 17 is freaking old in
>>>>case you need to reliably detect the browser!
>>>>Maxim aka solomax
>Maxim aka solomax

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