On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 9:54 PM Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:

> [] leave as is with .wicket--hidden & wicket-core.css
> [] use HTML5 "hidden" attribute instead

While it is true that Wicket hasn't depended on a CSS file for its own use,
it has been dependent on its own styles, spread out through our code in odd
ways. The fact that we now have to own up to this by having to ship a
stylesheet file of our own after 15 years, sounds more like 15 years of
neglect and harassment of our users than an actual achievement. I consider
not having a wicket stylesheet file a bug, not a feature.

Having an actual Wicket css file means that our styles are *finally*
documented and available for our users to accommodate, rather than strewn
out through our code base and hidden in style attributes, only to be
discovered through perusing the generated markup or ample browsing through
java code. This is a great benefit: want to know what Wicket uses for
styling? Here's the file!

Furthermore, the wicket-core css file can be easily disabled if one desires
so (then you have add your own implementations of those classes to your own
css file), or overridden (e.g. wicket-bootstrap can provide its own core
css file). And we provide the default template as well...

This doesn't mean that I want us to ship a full bootstrap/material like CSS
styling with Wicket, but rather only those parts that ensure that
applications keep working.

When something as simple as using flex or display:block on a div breaks the
hidden attribute [1] we should not depend on it working. Telling folks to
'just add some arbitrary css to your styling to fix this attribute so some
parts of your page remain invisible', is not a suitable substitute for
providing our own css.


[1] https://meowni.ca/hidden.is.a.lie.html

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