> It is your application so you must know/design how to recover from the
> error. You either re-render the same page or redirect the user to a
> suitable error page.
> **
> Martin

Thats exactly the misunderstanding. If one of 100s of components fails - not 
even necessarily "made" by myself (.g.: some null pointer down the drain of a 
Panel) - why should the whole rest of the page fail, too? 
Why should we redirect and not just ignore the single root cause (a "bad" 
component/ panel) silently?

I mean, most of errors that occur in Prod for us are because something happens 
that was never meant to be. Be it that backend data came in that violated the 
contract (because of update of a third party service without notice / or in 
error) or something else that is not know in advance.

Point is: if a page consists of 1000 Components and only 1 of it fails: why has 
this single point of failure the need to take down the rest of the page?

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