
I am getting the following error while building Manager on trunk,

Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be
 Software being installed: WSO2 Stratos - Cloud Manager Composite Feature
2.0.0.SNAPSHOT (org.wso2.stratos.manager.feature.group 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
 Missing requirement: Rahas 1.6.1.wso2v4 (rampart-trust 1.6.1.wso2v4)
requires 'package org.apache.neethi [2.0.4.wso2v4,3.0.0)' but it could not
be found
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: WSO2 Carbon - Security Management Feature 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT
(org.wso2.carbon.security.mgt.feature.group 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
  To: org.wso2.carbon.security.mgt.ui.feature.group [4.0.0.SNAPSHOT]
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: WSO2 Carbon - Security Management UI Feature 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT
(org.wso2.carbon.security.mgt.ui.feature.group 4.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
  To: rampart-trust [1.6.1.wso2v4,1.7.0)
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: WSO2 Stratos - Cloud Manager Composite Feature 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT
(org.wso2.stratos.manager.feature.group 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
  To: org.wso2.stratos.manager.server.feature.group [2.0.0.SNAPSHOT]
 Cannot satisfy dependency:
  From: WSO2 Stratos - Cloud Manager Core Feature 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT
(org.wso2.stratos.manager.server.feature.group 2.0.0.SNAPSHOT)
  To: org.wso2.carbon.security.mgt.feature.group [4.0.0.SNAPSHOT,4.1.0)
Application failed, log file location:

It seems the neethi bundle is coming from the kernel and also available in
kernel distro, but for some reason during the build its not getting copied
to the  Manager p2-reop (modules/p2-profile-gen/target/p2-repo/plugins/).
Pradeep any idea why this could happen ?!

Also if anybody did any changes that could have caused this change please
let me know, the build was fine until about last week.

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