Hi all,

I have submitted a Google Summer of Code(GSoC 2014) proposal. This is the
link to it:

I have been working on this proposal and as Mr.Gajasinghe had suggested,
here are some of my findings:
1. I have been trying out different front-end options and using Bootstrap
with jQuery seems to be the best choice due to it's wide usage and
simplicity of code.
2. Using bootstrap will be beneficial because it will provide responsive
front-end design.
3. Trying my code on small screen devices like cell phones and tablets, the
drag and drop area seems insufficient, so for them we can also provide an
alternate menu based GUI for ease-of-use.

In my proposal, have mentioned some features like image export that can be
added this GUI tool, and currently working on their jQuery implementation.

I would like to have some suggestions for any more features you would want
me to implement, so that we can give the users the best GUI experience.

Gayatri Nesarikar
Dev mailing list

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