Hi Chanika,

In Axis2 .aar file we use META-INF directory to keep the services.xml file
and in tomcat .war file there is WEB-INF to keep web.xml file, By looking
at the consistency it is better to keep services.xml file in a separate
directory .  And make sure to use proper name for the above subdirectory.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2014 at 4:45 PM, Chanika Geeganage <chan...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> There is a requirement to deploy dataservice configuration (.dbs) file
> with its corresponding services.xml using Capp. According to the current
> implementation, DefaultAppDeployer[1] calls .dsb files deployer. As the
> artifacts in the Capp are extracted and copied to a temporary location
> before deploying the services, we thought of changing the dataservice
> deployer code to pick the services.xml as well. So I tried to add the
> services.xml file as below to the car file.
> SampleCar-1.0.0
>  |-- artifacts.xml
>  |-- SampleDataService_1.0.0
>         |-- artifacts.xml
>         |-- SampleDataService-1.0.0.dbs
>         |-- SampleDataService_service.xml
>  But it seems only one file is allowed to have per a dependency.
> (SampleDataService is a dependency for the root artifact). It gives the
> following error.
> ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer.handler.DefaultAppDeployer} -
> service/dataservice type must have a single file. But 2 files found.
> Then the idea is to use the following dependency tree.
> testCar-1.0.0
>  |-- artifacts.xml
>  |-- SampleDataService_1.0.0
>         |-- artifacts.xml
>         |-- SampleDataService-1.0.0.dbs
>         |-- servicesMetaFiles
>                 |-- SampleDataService_service.xml
>                 |-- artifacts.xml
> We may need to change the dataservice code to lookup for servicesMetaFiles
> folder for services.xml file.
> Will this be a correct way to fulfill the requirement?
> Anyway in the future we will move to a single archive format to archive
> both dataservice config and the services.xml file.
> [1]
> https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/kernel/branches/4.2.0/core/org.wso2.carbon.application.deployer/4.2.0/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/application/deployer/handler/DefaultAppDeployer.java
> --
> Best Regards..
> Chanika Geeganage
> Software Engineer
> WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com

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