Hi Imesh,

Thanks, Yes we are trying to setup Appfactory Dev environment using puppet.
Agree with your suggestion.

Thanks & Regards,
Software Engineer WSO2 Inc
E-Mail: rajeev...@wso2.com | Mobile : +94776411636

On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 11:01 PM, Imesh Gunaratne <im...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Rajeevan,
> Can you please explain your goal bit further? Are you trying to setup an
> AppFactory development environment using puppet on OS X?
> If so it might not be ideal, better to use VMs or containers due to many
> reasons:
> - A desired OS can be used.
> - Provides OS level isolation for each server.
> - Entire environment can be wiped away and repeated without affecting the
> host OS.
> - Puppet may bring in an overhead.
> At the present the most widely used tool for this purpose is Vagrant. A
> simple Vagrant script could bring up an entire software stack in number of
> hosts in minutes (depending on how software is installed).
> Thanks
> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:55 PM, Aiyadurai Rajeevan <rajeev...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> +Sajith
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> S.A.Rajeevan
>> Software Engineer WSO2 Inc
>> E-Mail: rajeev...@wso2.com | Mobile : +94776411636
>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Aiyadurai Rajeevan <rajeev...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> The above option doesn't resolve the issue, Even though i managed to
>>> find a solution suggested in [1] . But this solution leads to
>>> maintainability issues as highlighted by Udara.
>>> Hence we are trying to achieve this using docker.
>>> @Sajith - Referring to STRATOS-776
>>> <https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/STRATOS-776> issue which was
>>> raised regarding Stratos image is not starting, As per the comments it
>>> will be fixed in 4.1.0-M2.  Is it possible to align the fix in 4.0.0?
>>> [1]  https://forge.puppetlabs.com/gildas/homebrew
>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>> S.A.Rajeevan
>>> Software Engineer WSO2 Inc
>>> E-Mail: rajeev...@wso2.com | Mobile : +94776411636
>>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 9:11 AM, Aiyadurai Rajeevan <rajeev...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Danuska/All,
>>>> Since these all bundled with Ubuntu, We may suggest Mac OS users to
>>>> manually install all these tools and use the puppet without any changes,
>>>> Then the code would be as below.
>>>> $packages = ['lsof','unzip','sysstat','telnet', 'git', 'less', 'tree', 
>>>> 'zip']
>>>> package { $packages:
>>>>   ensure => installed,
>>>> }
>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>> S.A.Rajeevan
>>>> Software Engineer WSO2 Inc
>>>> E-Mail: rajeev...@wso2.com | Mobile : +94776411636
>>>> On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 8:32 AM, Udara Liyanage <ud...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Danushka,
>>>>> I don't think having a puppet master for Mac is a good option. Then in
>>>>> future you will have to have puppet masters for every platform which is 
>>>>> not
>>>>> maintainable friendly. A change would have to duplicate in every where.
>>>>> Having a single puppet master for each environment must be the
>>>>> recommended approach.
>>>>> Touched, not typed. Erroneous words are a feature, not a typo.
>>>>> On Nov 13, 2014 6:05 AM, "Danushka Fernando" <danush...@wso2.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> Sorry I misread first time. Few questions. If this is done for one
>>>>>> time will it work after that ?
>>>>>> Is there other things that breaks?
>>>>>> If answers are yes and no the I would be fine with installing it
>>>>>> manually for first time for mac since this is just dev setup.
>>>>>> @Dimuthu : WDYT?
>>>>>> But if it is not the case then we may need to have separate puppet
>>>>>> master for mac. [1]
>>>>>> [1] http://projects.puppetlabs.com/projects/1/wiki/puppet_mac_osx
>>>>>> Thanks & Regards
>>>>>> Danushka Fernando
>>>>>> Software Engineer
>>>>>> WSO2 inc. http://wso2.com/
>>>>>> Mobile : +94716332729
>>>>>> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 6:20 PM, Aiyadurai Rajeevan <
>>>>>> rajeev...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi All,
>>>>>>> We are in the process of integrating puppet scripts to Mac OS X,
>>>>>>> Where we have implementation to install list of tools to be installed by
>>>>>>> puppet script when executed, The puppet code looks like below.
>>>>>>> *$packages = ['lsof','unzip','sysstat','telnet', 'git', 'less',
>>>>>>> 'tree', 'zip']*
>>>>>>> * package { $packages:*
>>>>>>>  *                ensure => installed,*
>>>>>>> *                provider  => 'brew',*
>>>>>>> *        }*
>>>>>>> Here, *$Packages* has the tools to be installed using the *brew*.
>>>>>>> When i execute this, it gives error as below,
>>>>>>> *Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter provider failed on
>>>>>>> Package[lsof]: Invalid package provider 'brew' at
>>>>>>> /home/rajeevan/appfactory/modules/wso2base/manifests/packages.pp:9*
>>>>>>> *Wrapped exception:*
>>>>>>> *Invalid package provider 'brew'*
>>>>>>> *Wrapped exception:*
>>>>>>> *Invalid package provider 'brew'*
>>>>>>> Then we executed the command - *brew install unzip* - just to
>>>>>>> ensure the unzip tool is getting installed, but it doesn't.
>>>>>>> google it and found a solution [1]
>>>>>>> *$ brew tap homebrew/dupes *
>>>>>>> *$ brew install unzip*
>>>>>>> This works nicely,
>>>>>>> But, As far as puppet concerned, How to do this in my above puppet
>>>>>>> script?
>>>>>>> Appreciate your view on this please.
>>>>>>> [1]
>>>>>>> http://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/149080/how-can-i-update-my-version-of-unzip-to-version-6-00-or-higher
>>>>>>> Thanks & Regards,
>>>>>>> S.A.Rajeevan
>>>>>>> Software Engineer WSO2 Inc
>>>>>>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>>>>>>> E-Mail: rajeev...@wso2.com | Mobile : +94776411636
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> --
> *Imesh Gunaratne*
> Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc: http://wso2.com
> T: +94 11 214 5345 M: +94 77 374 2057
> W: http://imesh.gunaratne.org
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
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