Hi Clovis,

I just saw, you've already created an issue for DSS 3.2.2 here [1]. Thanks,
and we'll check it out.

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/DS-1020


On Mon, Dec 8, 2014 at 8:06 AM, Anjana Fernando <anj...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Clovis,
> Yeah, at the moment, the REST support in data services is not ideal, there
> are some technical limitations of Axis2 and how we handle the REST requests
> and JSON handling and so on. But we are going to fix these with our next
> major release of DSS, where we are going to re-architect how we implement
> RESTful behavior and how to handle different data formats, so after that,
> you will not have strict schema enforcements like "_postcountry" in the
> JSON payload.
> As for the NPE you're getting, can you please check on the latest 3.2.2
> release, if you still get this error, since we have fixed several JSON
> related bug in this release.
> You can certainly check out the necessary source code from our SVN
> repository (the current version is on our SVN at the moment, future
> development is done on Github). For example, the latest data services core
> component can be found here [1]. You can simply check it out, and build
> using Maven, and it should download all the required dependencies from the
> online repository. And you can do your fix, and build the jar and simply
> replace that jar in the product's /repository/components/plugins directory,
> to test it out (remember to replace the one in plugins directory, not just
> copy the build jar to the directory). And of course, patches are always
> welcome, simply create a JIRA for the product and attach it, and you can
> also send a mail to the @dev list.
> And lastly, do stay tuned for plans for DSS 4.0, these haven't been
> finalized yet, we will start discussions on these soon.
> [1]
> https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/branches/turing/components/data-services/org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core/4.2.4
> Cheers,
> Anjana.
> On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 4:57 PM, Clovis Wichoski <clo...@neoinix.com.br>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm researching for a way to improve some things in DSS, especially in
>> the REST part, for example, I wish to implement, a better way to receive
>> any JSON format, or do a better dynamic query construct without the SQL
>> injection problems, or to use JPQL instead SQL, and to support REST that
>> allow, dynamic filter, queries range and count of this filter, to support
>> WADL generation, etc...,
>> I know how to do these things using JAX-RS, but I like to create this
>> inside DSS as appears to be a better place for this type of service as its
>> especially focused in Data part of SOA.
>> For example, today in DSS we must send this payload to create a New
>> Country:
>> {
>>     "_postcountry":{
>>         "code":"7",
>>         "name":"BRASIL",
>>         "acronym":"BRA",
>>         "bankCode":"1058",
>>         "ddiCode":"55"
>>     }
>> }
>> and this broke the RESTFul idea to use HTTP Methods, as some clients use
>> today the payload just as:
>>     {
>>         "code":"7",
>>         "name":"BRASIL",
>>         "acronym":"BRA",
>>         "bankCode":"1058",
>>         "ddiCode":"55"
>>     }
>> I know we can deal with this using mediation in ESB to inject the parts
>> needed by DSS, but why dont support this directly in DSS to avoid
>> unnecessary overheads? or for example, a more complex scenario, where I
>> post a payload with all data, and create the other data if necessary.
>> Other example, I wish to solve some bugs, like if we send this payload:
>> {
>>     "_postcountry":{
>>         "code":"8",
>>         "name":"BOLIVIA",
>>         "acronym":"BOL",
>>         "bankCode": null,
>>         "ddiCode": null
>>     }
>> }
>> we got java.lang.NullPointerException
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.description.query.SQLQuery.processNormalQuery(SQLQuery.java:863)
>> at
>> org.wso2.carbon.dataservices.core.description.query.SQLQuery.runQuery(SQLQuery.java:2247)
>> ....
>> Then I wish to know what is the better point to starting implementing
>> this inside DSS, can the DSS developers point me to a roadmap of how to
>> achieve this, and cut the path of research just in code? About BUGs, whats
>> is the better way to discover the right source of the running version,
>> checkout, run tests, debug, try to solve, and after solved, send the patch?
>> Thanks for any tip or help.
>> Clóvis Wichoski
>> NeoInix
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> --
> *Anjana Fernando*
> Senior Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com
> lean . enterprise . middleware

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