On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 4:21 PM, Senduran Balasubramaniyam <
sendu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Even when I add the "UseAuthenticatedUserDomainCrypto" to true in IS, I am
> still getting the same exception.
> Is this because IS couldn't identify whether it is tenant or admin who has
> logged in ? as Malithi mentioned in "[IS] [ES] Signature Validation fails
> when tenant logs into SSO enabled Publisher"
Hm..I doubt how something like this could happen. If there is a logged in
session, that means there is an associated user who's tenant domain can be
determined. Relying on a passed tenant domain is never secure for
authenticated users.

Anyway, can you talk to me on Monday, so that we can have a look with the
property suggested by pushpalanka.



*Ruchira Wageesha**Associate Technical Lead*
*WSO2 Inc. - lean . enterprise . middleware |  wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*

*email: ruch...@wso2.com <ruch...@wso2.com>,   blog:
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