Hi all,
I found that following two methods are being used by BPELs we have in App

deleteApplication - CreateApplication.bpel
updateRxtWithPromoteState - GovernanceBPEL.bpel

These two methods will be added to ApplicationInfoService and will not be
removed from ApplicationMgtService
Except these two other methods will be moved from ApplicationMgtService to

On Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 8:28 PM, Mahesh Chinthaka <mahe...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Im working on [a]
> At the moment we have
> 1. ApplicationManagementService
> 2. ApplicationInfoService
> 3. ApplicationUserMgtService
> All the tasks/methods that UI needs to do related with users will be in
> ApplicationUserMgtService (IMO ideally this service should be renamed as
> UserManagementService).
> All the tasks/methods that UI needs to related with applications will be
> in ApplicationInfoService.
> At the moment ApplicationManagementService has both user related tasks as
> well as application related tasks.
> What I'm going to do is identify those methods and move accordingly to
> either ApplicationUserMgtService or ApplicationInfoService. In that way
> ApplicationManagementService will no longer be a osgi service and it will
> only be a soap service.
> Here are the methods that I have identified,
> [1] - getApplication(applicationKey)
> [2] - deleteApplication(applicationKey)
> [3] - getApplicationUrl(applicationKey, version, stage, tenantDomain);
> [4] - getApplicationStatus(applicationKey, version, stage, tenantDomain);
> [5] -
> getAllVersionsOfApplicationPerUser(modManager.getTenantDomain(),applicationKey,
> userName);
> [6] - getAllVersionsOfApplication(tenantDomain, applicationKey);
> [7] - getBuildandDelpoyedStatus(applicationKey,tenantDomain,version);
> [8] - updateRxtWithPromoteState(appKey,nextStage,version,"Promote",state);
> [9] - publishSetApplicationAutoBuild(applicationKey, stageName, version,
> isBuild);
> [10] - publishSetApplicationAutoDeploy(applicationKey, stageName, version,
> isDeploy);
> IMO all above methods should be moved to ApplicationInfoService. WDYT ?
> [a] - https://wso2.org/jira/browse/APPFAC-3011
> --
> *Mahesh Chinthaka Vidanagama* | Software Engineer
> WSO2, Inc | lean. enterprise. middleware.
> #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
> Mobile: +94 71 63 63 083 | Work: +94 112 145 345
> Email: mahe...@wso2.com | Web: www.wso2.com

*Mahesh Chinthaka Vidanagama* | Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc | lean. enterprise. middleware.
#20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
Mobile: +94 71 63 63 083 | Work: +94 112 145 345
Email: mahe...@wso2.com | Web: www.wso2.com
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