Hi All,

Today I had a progress update of  igviz.js with Srinath .He pointed out
several improvements for the project.

   - Add graph sketching support to igviz.js
   - Come up with a tabular representation for a graph
   - Improve the styles in samples site
   - Add single number diagram ( min/max/average.. with a distribution
   curve or histogram)
   - Add more aggregate function (min,max,avg..)  support to dirll-down

Currently this library supports following visualizations and
features.Please find the source code of igviz.js [2]
<https://github.com/dunithd/igviz> and the samples site [1]
<http://dunithd.github.io/igviz/samples/> , Any thoughts/suggestions are
highly appreciated

*Charts ( All of these charts are implemented in Vega.js)*

   1.  Bar Charts
      1. Two dimensional Bar chart
      2. Grouped Bar chart
      3. Stacked Bar chart
   2. Line Charts
      1. Single Series Line chart
      2. Multi series line chart
   3. Area Charts
      1. Single series area chart
      2. Multi series area chart
      3. Stacked area chart
      4. Scatter Plot
   1. Four Dimensional charts (x,y,point color,point size)

*Other Types of Visualizations ( Implemented in D3.js)*

   - Map
   - Arc (Progress representation)
   - Table Representation of a data table (Conditional formating based on

*Features of Charts*

   -  Legends (B2,B3,L2,A2,A3)
   -  Tool-tips (L1,L2,A1,A2, S1)
   -  Drill Downing (B1)
   -  Grids (users can configure as they want)
   -  Real Time updates (B1,A1,A2,L1)
   -  Responsive Handlers And Dynamic Resizing

*Basic API*

chart = igviz.setup("#divID",chartConfig,dataTable.metadata)
set of parameters
     .setDimension(dimensionConfig)                             //optional
visual customization

chart.plot( dataTable.data, callBack);           //draw the charts based on
the parameters

chart.update(newData)                                          //real-time
chart.resize()                            //Responsive Handler

[1] http://dunithd.github.io/igviz/samples/
[2] https://github.com/dunithd/igviz
[3] Generic UI Parameter Names


On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 6:02 AM, Tharindu Munasinghe <tharin...@wso2.com>

> +1 , I will do a bar chart sample using 'Vega' with the features we have
> discussed and then we will see how we can extend that implementation to the
> other types of charts :)
> On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 6:05 PM, Dunith Dhanushka <dun...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Today we had a discussion on using Vega [1] library underneath igviz.
>> Vega comes with a highlevel visualization grammer that runs on top of D3.
>> In addition to that it's got some polished UI so that it'll save more
>> efforts for fine tuning the charts.
>> Please refer mail thread [RFC: Building a Generic Configurable UI Gadget
>> for Analytics] for a background on IGviz.
>> Igviz's main API interface is
>> var chart = igviz.plot(canvas,chartConfig,dataTable);
>> Plan is to keep Igviz's plot() method unchanged and transform DataTable
>> and chartConfig objects to the format that vega expects.
>> where canvas is the div element that chart is being drawn,
>> chartConfig is the JSON object that contain parameters required to draw
>> the chart. (E.g xAxis, yAxis, width, height)
>> dataTable is the JSON formatted tabular data structure that passes data
>> for the chart
>> Following are the discussed action items:
>> 1. Keep the current DataTable structure intact and have Igviz trasform it
>> to the format that vega expects.
>> 2. Depending on the chartConfig.chartType, create Vega's marks[]
>> components.
>> 3. Explore the possibility of doing drill downs using Vega. (Tharindu has
>> already done that on Igviz)
>> 4. Figure out a way of upadting the chart dynamically. We agreed to make
>> DataTable's schema fixed during the update.
>> Tharindu, please add anything I missed here.
>> [1] http://trifacta.github.io/vega/
>> Thanks,
>> Dunith
>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Tharindu Munasinghe <tharin...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>>     Pubudu,Fawsan and Fasna has started this project as their training
>>> project and they did the implementations of  table, single value , map ,
>>> line charts . Me and Dunith have  been continuing  this project to make it
>>> a generic library so that any product can use it.
>>>       So far igviz.js library supports bar charts ,scatter plots, tables
>>> , maps , single number graph , line and  area charts with drill-downing
>>> options for hierarchical  data sets .
>>>       Please find the samples hosted at [1] and the implementation at
>>> [2]. Documentation for the configuration parameters can be found at [3] .
>>> [1] igviz.js samples <http://dunithd.github.io/igviz/samples/>
>>> [2] igviz.js source code <https://github.com/dunithd/igviz>
>>> [3] GenericUIParameterNames
>>> <https://docs.google.com/a/wso2.com/spreadsheets/d/1tCf3lTZ7kkEXdK7T75tKEXqm0QhsZZpiF47saKNMboc/edit#gid=0>
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> *Tharindu Munasinghe*
>>> Software Engineering Intern
>>> WSO2 Inc.(http://wso2.com)
>>> Mobile: +94 77460887
>>> E-Mail:  tharin...@wso2.com
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Dunith Dhanushka,
>> Senior Software Engineer - BAM,
>> WSO2 Inc,
>> Mobile - +94 71 8615744
>> Blog - dunithd.wordpress.com <http://blog.dunith.com>
>> Twitter - @dunithd <http://twitter.com/dunithd>
> --
> *Tharindu Munasinghe*
> Software Engineering Intern
> WSO2 Inc.(http://wso2.com)
> Mobile: +94 77460887
> E-Mail:  tharin...@wso2.com

*Tharindu Munasinghe*
Software Engineering Intern
WSO2 Inc.(http://wso2.com)

Mobile: +94 77460887
E-Mail:  tharin...@wso2.com
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