What are the aggregate functions that I can use? I see 'sum' is available.
Does this support Count too?
Please let me know what are the functions that are currently supported.


On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:36 PM, Seshika Fernando <sesh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Noted and Thanks. Will try this out.
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 1:34 PM, Tharindu Munasinghe <tharin...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Seshika,
>>          I have updated the igviz.js so that now aggregated functions can
>> be used with bar charts. if you don't use aggregate functions , bar chart
>> will only show the last Y value for repeated X. A sample for aggregated bar
>> can be found at [1]
>> Please note that , as for the moment adding a title to the plot only
>> works with aggregated bar charts.
>> [1] http://dunithd.github.io/igviz/samples/aggregate/index.html
>> On Tue, Mar 24, 2015 at 11:01 AM, Tharindu Munasinghe <tharin...@wso2.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Today I had a progress update of  igviz.js with Srinath .He pointed out
>>> several improvements for the project.
>>>    - Add graph sketching support to igviz.js
>>>    - Come up with a tabular representation for a graph
>>>    - Improve the styles in samples site
>>>    - Add single number diagram ( min/max/average.. with a distribution
>>>    curve or histogram)
>>>    - Add more aggregate function (min,max,avg..)  support to dirll-down
>>>    feature
>>> Currently this library supports following visualizations and
>>> features.Please find the source code of igviz.js [2]
>>> <https://github.com/dunithd/igviz> and the samples site [1]
>>> <http://dunithd.github.io/igviz/samples/> , Any thoughts/suggestions
>>> are highly appreciated
>>> *Charts ( All of these charts are implemented in Vega.js)*
>>>    1.  Bar Charts
>>>       1. Two dimensional Bar chart
>>>       2. Grouped Bar chart
>>>       3. Stacked Bar chart
>>>    2. Line Charts
>>>       1. Single Series Line chart
>>>       2. Multi series line chart
>>>    3. Area Charts
>>>       1. Single series area chart
>>>       2. Multi series area chart
>>>       3. Stacked area chart
>>>       4. Scatter Plot
>>>    1. Four Dimensional charts (x,y,point color,point size)
>>> *Other Types of Visualizations ( Implemented in D3.js)*
>>>    - Map
>>>    - Arc (Progress representation)
>>>    - Table Representation of a data table (Conditional formating based
>>>    on dataset)
>>> *Features of Charts*
>>>    -  Legends (B2,B3,L2,A2,A3)
>>>    -  Tool-tips (L1,L2,A1,A2, S1)
>>>    -  Drill Downing (B1)
>>>    -  Grids (users can configure as they want)
>>>    -  Real Time updates (B1,A1,A2,L1)
>>>    -  Responsive Handlers And Dynamic Resizing
>>> *Basic API*
>>> chart = igviz.setup("#divID",chartConfig,dataTable.metadata) 
>>> //chartConfig-minimal
>>> set of parameters
>>> chart.setXaxis(axisConfig)
>>>      .setYaxis(yaxisConfig)
>>>      .setDimension(dimensionConfig)                             //optional
>>> visual customization
>>> chart.plot( dataTable.data, callBack);           //draw the charts
>>> based on the parameters
>>> chart.update(newData)                                          //real-time
>>> updating
>>> chart.resize()                            //Responsive Handler
>>> [1] http://dunithd.github.io/igviz/samples/
>>> [2] https://github.com/dunithd/igviz
>>> [3] Generic UI Parameter Names
>>> <https://docs.google.com/a/wso2.com/spreadsheets/d/1tCf3lTZ7kkEXdK7T75tKEXqm0QhsZZpiF47saKNMboc/edit#gid=0>
>>> Thanks,
>>> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 6:02 AM, Tharindu Munasinghe <tharin...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> +1 , I will do a bar chart sample using 'Vega' with the features we
>>>> have discussed and then we will see how we can extend that implementation
>>>> to the other types of charts :)
>>>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 6:05 PM, Dunith Dhanushka <dun...@wso2.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>> Today we had a discussion on using Vega [1] library underneath igviz.
>>>>> Vega comes with a highlevel visualization grammer that runs on top of D3.
>>>>> In addition to that it's got some polished UI so that it'll save more
>>>>> efforts for fine tuning the charts.
>>>>> Please refer mail thread [RFC: Building a Generic Configurable UI
>>>>> Gadget for Analytics] for a background on IGviz.
>>>>> Igviz's main API interface is
>>>>> var chart = igviz.plot(canvas,chartConfig,dataTable);
>>>>> Plan is to keep Igviz's plot() method unchanged and transform
>>>>> DataTable and chartConfig objects to the format that vega expects.
>>>>> where canvas is the div element that chart is being drawn,
>>>>> chartConfig is the JSON object that contain parameters required to
>>>>> draw the chart. (E.g xAxis, yAxis, width, height)
>>>>> dataTable is the JSON formatted tabular data structure that passes
>>>>> data for the chart
>>>>> Following are the discussed action items:
>>>>> 1. Keep the current DataTable structure intact and have Igviz trasform
>>>>> it to the format that vega expects.
>>>>> 2. Depending on the chartConfig.chartType, create Vega's marks[]
>>>>> components.
>>>>> 3. Explore the possibility of doing drill downs using Vega. (Tharindu
>>>>> has already done that on Igviz)
>>>>> 4. Figure out a way of upadting the chart dynamically. We agreed to
>>>>> make DataTable's schema fixed during the update.
>>>>> Tharindu, please add anything I missed here.
>>>>> [1] http://trifacta.github.io/vega/
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Dunith
>>>>> On Mon, Mar 2, 2015 at 10:52 AM, Tharindu Munasinghe <
>>>>> tharin...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>     Pubudu,Fawsan and Fasna has started this project as their
>>>>>> training project and they did the implementations of  table, single 
>>>>>> value ,
>>>>>> map , line charts . Me and Dunith have  been continuing  this project to
>>>>>> make it a generic library so that any product can use it.
>>>>>>       So far igviz.js library supports bar charts ,scatter plots,
>>>>>> tables , maps , single number graph , line and  area charts with
>>>>>> drill-downing options for hierarchical  data sets .
>>>>>>       Please find the samples hosted at [1] and the implementation at
>>>>>> [2]. Documentation for the configuration parameters can be found at [3] .
>>>>>> [1] igviz.js samples <http://dunithd.github.io/igviz/samples/>
>>>>>> [2] igviz.js source code <https://github.com/dunithd/igviz>
>>>>>> [3] GenericUIParameterNames
>>>>>> <https://docs.google.com/a/wso2.com/spreadsheets/d/1tCf3lTZ7kkEXdK7T75tKEXqm0QhsZZpiF47saKNMboc/edit#gid=0>
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> *Tharindu Munasinghe*
>>>>>> Software Engineering Intern
>>>>>> WSO2 Inc.(http://wso2.com)
>>>>>> SRI LANKA
>>>>>> Mobile: +94 77460887
>>>>>> E-Mail:  tharin...@wso2.com
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Dunith Dhanushka,
>>>>> Senior Software Engineer - BAM,
>>>>> WSO2 Inc,
>>>>> Mobile - +94 71 8615744
>>>>> Blog - dunithd.wordpress.com <http://blog.dunith.com>
>>>>> Twitter - @dunithd <http://twitter.com/dunithd>
>>>> --
>>>> *Tharindu Munasinghe*
>>>> Software Engineering Intern
>>>> WSO2 Inc.(http://wso2.com)
>>>> Mobile: +94 77460887
>>>> E-Mail:  tharin...@wso2.com
>>> --
>>> *Tharindu Munasinghe*
>>> Software Engineering Intern
>>> WSO2 Inc.(http://wso2.com)
>>> Mobile: +94 77460887
>>> E-Mail:  tharin...@wso2.com
>> --
>> *Tharindu Munasinghe*
>> Software Engineering Intern
>> WSO2 Inc.(http://wso2.com)
>> Mobile: +94 77460887
>> E-Mail:  tharin...@wso2.com
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