Make that averageLoad float parameter of processed_data  export stream as
double and try.
Average function will return a double value.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 7:17 PM, Maheshakya Wijewardena <
> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to create an execution plan similar to the following:
> ​
> It has a data receiver for an event stream called `streaming_data`, a data
> publisher for a event stream called `processed_data`.
> I have created an execution plan as follows:
> /* Enter a unique ExecutionPlan */
>> @Plan:name('ExecutionPlan')
>> /* Enter a unique description for ExecutionPlan */
>> -- @Plan:description('ExecutionPlan')
>> /* define streams/tables and write queries here ... */
>> @Import('streaming_data:1.0.0')
>> define stream streaming_data (meta_type string, id int, timeStamp int,
>> value float, property bool, plugId int, householdId int, houseId string);
>> @Export('processed_data:1.0.0')
>> define stream processed_data (averageLoad float);
>> from streaming_data#window.length(5)
>> select avg(value) as averageLoad
>> insert into processed_data;
> When I try to validate my query, I get the following error:
>> Different definition same as output stream definition
>> :StreamDefinition{id='processed_data',
>> attributeList=[Attribute{id='averageLoad', type=DOUBLE}], annotations=[]}
>> already exist as:StreamDefinition{id='processed_data',
>> attributeList=[Attribute{id='averageLoad', type=FLOAT}],
>> annotations=[Annotation{name='Export', elements=[Element{key='null',
>> value='processed_data:1.0.0'}]}]} in execution plan "ExecutionPlan"
> What might be the reason for this?
> What I want to do is reading a moving window from the `streaming_data`
> event stream, get the average value of the atribute `value` within that
> window and send that to the `processed_data` event stream.
> (I've built from the sources of product-cep master and running CEP in
> distributed mood with Storm)
> Best regards.
> --
> Pruthuvi Maheshakya Wijewardena
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 Lanka (Pvt) Ltd
> Email:
> Mobile: +94711228855
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