Yep - Sorry Senaka, I put the issues we found in a note asking the dev folks 
what was the right way to go - didn’t cc you - my bad :-(

I’l whack ‘em into a JIRA.


John Hawkins
Director Solutions Architecture

> On 24 Jun 2015, at 12:25, Senaka Fernando <> wrote:
> Hi Aruna et al,
> I think its useful to do a code-review on our batch/shell scripts in general. 
> Over the years, we seem to have made a few mistakes here and there. While 
> chatting with John on this specific issue we noted a few others.
> Hi John,
> May be you should report all what you've noted on a JIRA issue (on the CARBON 
> jira project) and Kishanthan, Aruna and all can then schedule a review when 
> they've found some time for this.
> Thanks,
> Senaka.
> On Wed, Jun 24, 2015 at 12:08 PM, John Hawkins < 
> <>> wrote:
> Hi, 
> Senaka F and I were just discussing this yesterday and it looks like there 
> are some other problems with the .sh file . Seneka pointed out  a few things 
> like... 
> 1) the script is supposed to run under any scripting language (!/bin/sh) but 
> then reverts back to bash only at one point when running a command.  Seems 
> like an inconsistency - what is the customer pre-req list - that they have to 
> have bash ? In which case why do we put !/bin/sh ?
> 2) There are quite a few places where the right syntax is used e.g. 
> “$CARBON_DUMP” but only a few others where it’s not.
> 3) Also: I just looked in and it seems to want only bash 
> environment (“!/usr/bash”).this ties in with [1] where we suggest one pre-req 
> in one file but another pre-req in another?
> So, it looks like we may have more than just this one inconsistency in the 
> various cmd files. Seneka suggested some kind of code review - does this make 
> sense to you as well ? Looks like the review may have to look at all the bat 
> & sh scripts we provide not just - just to make sure ?
> many thanks,
> John.
> John Hawkins
> Director Solutions Architecture
>> On 22 Jun 2015, at 19:51, Aruna Karunarathna < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 5:52 AM, John Hawkins < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Rajith,
>> Sure, I understand that is the workaround. But this a bug in the script - 
>> and if I found it then so will others?
>> As I'm a newbie - What's the best way to raise this as a bug ?
>> Hi John,
>> You can raise a bug in the public Jira?. [1], explaining the steps to 
>> reproduce.
>> [1]. 
>> <> 
>> On Monday, June 22, 2015, Rajith Roshan < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> Change the directory to the " bin"  folder inside the "wso2am-1.8.0" 
>> directory in command line . 
>> Then enter "./" to start the server
>> and press "ctrl+c" to stop the server.
>> Thanks.
>> Rajith
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 5:21 PM, John Hawkins < <>> wrote:
>> HI Jason,
>> this isn't the same problem as I'm seeing is it?
>> My scenario is this...
>> UNZIP e.g. APIM into directory with a <space> in the path e.g. /my spaced 
>> path/APIM
>> start - doesn't appear to work. Pid file is created but I 
>> can't see a running process
>> stop - fails because the cmd line produced needs quoting. 
>> Presumably this is why the above fails as well.
>> cheers,
>> John.
>> On Monday, June 22, 2015, Jason De Silva < <>> wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> I did try it with Application Server 5.2.1 and it seems to not work out the 
>> box. However I found out a jira issue raised for carbon [1]. And I did the 
>> relevant change [2] to the file and ran the commands 
>> start
>> stop
>> After the change made, I observed that it works fine and you can start / 
>> stop the server. Hope this helps
>> Regards
>> Jason
>> 1. 
>> <>
>> 2. 
>> <>
>> On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 2:37 PM, John Hawkins < <>> wrote:
>> HI Folks,
>> Possibly a newbie error but when I’ve unzipped wso2 server (API manager in 
>> this case if that makes a difference) into a directory with a space in it 
>> e.g.
>> /wso2 servers/wso2am-1.8.0
>> then starting and stopping the server seems to fail using the syntax
>> start
>> stop
>> I can see when I try the stop that it can’t find the pid file as it 
>> interprets the file tree wrongly however I don’t think the start is working 
>> anyhow so it wouldn’t find anything to stop :-)
>> Any thoughts ?
>> many thanks,
>> John.
>> John Hawkins
>> Director Solutions Architecture
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