Hi all,

I started looking into Jaggery UI with the intention of changing the
interface to accommodate Deep Networks.

One of the initial tasks is to get the correct hyper parameters for the
Deep Network user select. I found out that this is returned with,
s*erverUrl + "/api/analyses/" + analysisId +
"/hyperParameters?algorithmName=" + algorithmName, located in

I started looking into the retrievel process of hyperparameters and it
seems this is using the api produced by *carbon-ml* to retrieve

I noticed that, *AnalysisAPIv10.java* and *MLAnalysisHandler.jav*a are the
high-level classes which handles this request.

However, I'm having trouble delving into detailed request handling.

Is there any documentation which might help? I couldn't find any dev level
documentation in the official WSO2-ml documentation.

Thank you


Thushan Ganegedara
School of IT
University of Sydney, Australia
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