
Currently only the app owner allows to subscribed to an API, generate keys
and see subscribed APIs, where other users are not allowed as showed in the
below table.

Subscribe to API Generate Keys View subscribed APIs in AF side View Prod
keys in AF side View Sandbox keys in AF side App owner Y Y Y Y Y Developer


Y DevOps

We want to improve the AF - APIM integration as follows. So we need
implement $subject.
1. making both app owner and developer can subscribe to an API and generate
2. making all users to see subscribed API per application

Subscribe to API Generate Keys View subscribed APIs in AF side View Prod
keys in AF side View Sandbox keys in AF side App owner Y Y Y Y Y Developer Y

Y DevOps

*Things to do:*

1. All the users of a particular app we need to maintain as a group.

In APIM side they uses http://wso2.org/claims/organization claim to group
the users. We have to set this claim (eg: app key as the value of the
claim) when appowner or developer try to click on 'Go to API Manager'
Currently we use a role app_appName to group the users of a particular
application in AF. If we use this we have to implement a custom grouping
extractor to get the users of a particular group.

*Issues: *a. Since we don't set the claim for QA and DevOps users, they
can't view subscribed APIs in AF side, and If we add the claim they also
will be able to subscribe to APIs and generate keys. So we need to find a
way to view subscribed api for a particular application by QA and Devops
b. With this implementation Developer can see prod keys also.

2. Make Go to API Manager and Sync Keys buttons enabled only to appowner
and developer.
For this we can use resource permissions we already have.

3. Need to improve/test all the rest calls we do with APIM to work with
groups and fix if there's any issue.

   - Login - When user clicks on 'Go to API Manager' button of a particular
   app, it should login to APIM and show the subscribed APIs, listed under
   selected application.
   - Create application
   - Remove application
   - Get published APIs by application
   - List subscription
   - Get applications

[1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/APPFAC-3217

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