Hello everyone,

I'm used to work with Apache Camel and I'm new with WSO2 solutions. I have
the following requirement:

*- Create a rest web service which receives an username and password.*
*- Use the parameters to authenticate in a LDAP directory and return some
of the user properties.*

For Apache Camel I would use LDAP and CXF components in order to implement
it. Would be quiet easy.

But how can I do with WSO2? According to my research:

*1 - Use WSO2 AS to implement a JAX-RS which has the logic to communicate
with a LDAP directory (develop a pure Java code instead of a component
*2 - Create a Proxy (like Camel) or BPEL which will use the JAX-RS
previously created to deliver (or not) the LDAP user properties.*

Am I right? Is there another way to do it?

Thank you.
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