What is the real use case for importing features?

For example, the carbon-datasources [1] depends on carbon-jndi. But Carbon
JNDI feature is not imported in datasources core feature [2].

But still the datasources bundle will not activate if the jndi feature was
not already installed. So, there is no need to explicitly import features,

Another issue I see with importing features is that we cannot import a
version range. According to docs [3], we need to specify a version.

For example, the carbon-metrics also need the datasources feature. The
metrics core component imports carbon datasources using a version range. In
that case, the metrics component will not activate if the datasources core
bundle is not there. So, do I still need to import datasources features? By
doing that, the metrics will depend on a specific version of datasources
feature, right?

If I don't import datasources feature, the metrics feature can work with
any version of datasources within the import range I have defined.

Please let me know the recommendations we need to follow in order to depend
on other features.


Best Regards,

[3] https://docs.wso2.com/display/Carbon510/Using+the+Carbon+Feature+Plugin

Isuru Perera
Associate Technical Lead | WSO2, Inc. | http://wso2.com/
Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

Contact: +IsuruPereraWSO2 <https://www.google.com/+IsuruPereraWSO2/about>
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